The government to provide a free visa 5L for ahead of the tourism sector – News2IN

The government to provide a free visa 5L for ahead of the tourism sector

Written by news2in

New Delhi: The 5 First Lakh tourist visas will be issued after restarting international trips will come free and government recognized travel agents and tour guides can take advantage of loans without additional processing or guarantee costs, the government announces on Monday as part of the rearrangement steps Pandemichit travel and tourism sector.
Minister of Finance Nirmala Sitharaman said the government would extend federal guarantees on bank loans to help revive this sector and loan guarantee schemes to benefit 10,700 regional level tourist guidelines recognized by the Ministry of Tourism and the State Government.
While nearly 1,000 tourism and tourism Steaatan ers (TTS) recognized by the ministry will be eligible for loans to 10 lakh respectively, travel guidelines can take advantage of loans from RS 1 Lakh, Sitharaman said.
The Arvind Singh Tourism Secretary also confirmed to the Toi that the Ministry of Finance had agreed to the long demand for travel industries to credit for export incentive services (SEIS) to meet their liquidity requirements.
“The Ministry of Finance has raised the credit contribution under Seis for 2019-20.
Thus, money will be released to beneficiaries,” he said.
Referring to the neglect of fees at five Lakh tourist visas, Head of the Corporate Sector Sector ICRA Limited Vinuta S said, “Although it will provide the arrival incentives of foreign tourists to some extent, the restoration of foreign tourists who come to India will depend on Covid-19 containers and launch rates Vaccines.
“Industrial agencies that encourage to eliminate the obligation of the travel industry stakeholder law said Monday’s announcement would have a limited impact.
Assocham reiterated his request that people employed in this sector must be vaccinated by priority.

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