The Governor of the Province of Iran slaps a rare security violation – News2IN

The Governor of the Province of Iran slaps a rare security violation

Written by news2in

Dubai: The new governor of an Iranian Northwestern Province found himself slapping his face by an angry man during his inauguration on Saturday, unusual security violations in the Islamic Republic during a ceremony attended by the country’s interior minister.
The motive for the attack in the East Azerbaijan Province Iran remains unclear, despite targeting the Governor of the New Province who has served in the country’s paramilitary revolutionary guards and is reported to have been kidnapped at one point by rebel forces in Syria.
One report calls it a personal dispute.
The new governor, Brig General Abedin Khorram, has taken the podium in the provincial capital of Tabriz when the man walked out of offstage and immediately swung the official.
The video aired by television the country recorded a crowd collected gasping, a slap sound echoed on the sound system.
It took a few seconds before plainclothes security forces reached him.
They dragged the man through the side door, knocked down the curtain.
The other rushed, knocked each other.
Later the recording shows Khorram back to the stage and talking to the crowd that is not calm, now everything stands.
“ I don’t know he is of course but you have to know that, even though I don’t want to say it, when I was in Syria I would be shaken by the enemy 10 times a day and will be beaten, “he said.
“ More than 10 times, they will hold a gun loaded into my head.
I consider it on par with those enemies but forgiveness.
“Another man on the stage shouted:` `death for hypocrites! “That is a public song used against exiled opposition groups and other people who oppose the Islamic Republic.
The others shouted that Khorram was a pro-highest leader governor.
“I made an eye.
IRNA described the attack as an arrival because of ‘personal reasons,” without describing.
Then, the news agency as far as semiofficial said that the man who slapped the governor was angry that his wife received the Coronavirus vaccination of a male nurse, which was contrary to a female nurse.
Khorram was recently nominated by Iran’s hard-line parliament to serve as a provincial governor under the government of Ebrahim Relision President, a Protege of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Khorram has been among 48 Iranian people taking place in 2013 in Syria, then Released for around 2,130 rebels, according to the foundation of the Defense Democracy, Washington-based think tanks that have been critical of Iran.
Iran calls them the Shiite religious pilgrims.
A State Department spokesman when calling it “ just another example of how Iran continues to provide guidance, skills, personnel (and) t ability EKNIS to the Syrian regime.
“The incident also came amid anger in a precarious economic situation over Iran.
Apart from its support abroad for regional militias and others, including Syrian President Bashar Assad.
The Iranian economy has been hammered since then – President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from Tehran’s nuclear agreement with the world’s power in 2018.

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