‘The highest injured cargil warrior recovery rate – News2IN

‘The highest injured cargil warrior recovery rate

'The highest injured cargil warrior recovery rate
Written by news2in

Lucknow: “The success rate of wounded army surgery in the field of cargil battle is higher than any war fighting for before,” said Lieutenant General Sandeep Mukherjee, the Army Corps Colonel Commander based in Lucknow, while commemorating the cargil vijay diwas at the Institute of Ram Manohar Lohia Medical science here.
In exclusive conversations with Toi, Mukherjee reaffirmed “no other war fought by India before cargil or war fighting for Israel or even in the Vietnam war, the level of recovery of injured soldiers on the battlefield is higher.
Documented well that the moral of the army determines the results War, and one of the main factors in increasing male morals in battlefields is a guarantee of rapid medical care.
“” In cargil, innovation and improvisation – a series of skills that are unique to the medical branch of the armed forces – help save many lives.
Strong Foundation Clinical medical professionals are needed to provide medical care in the situation of war.
The story of Col Rajesh Adhau, one of the most decorated doctors who have served in the war, is an example.
He crashed the bullet on the battlefield and tirelessly managed to take many living soldiers who suffered a big injury, “you said Khorjee who was the commander of the Indian Air Force Wing posted in the West Air War during the Cargil War.
Then, he joined the army.
In the 53-day war, 97 soldiers were treated in the midst of shooting and firefighters at high altitudes of Cargil Battlefield by Col Adhau, who only had one year of experience serving in the army before the war.
He was the captain at that time.
During the cargil, COL Rajesh Adhau has served under the officer of the Yogesh Kumar Joshi Commander of 13 Jak, who is currently the North Goc-in-Chief Command.
In the picture from left to right captain PVC Vikram Batra, Major Vohra, the captain then Rajesh Adhau and then Colonel Yogesh Kumar Joshi in Cargil, 571 soldiers including officers were killed, while around 1,100 were injured.
“Of the 14 soldiers who were killed in the presence of Col Adhau, nine had suffered a hit bullet directly in their heads and died in place.
Before the soldiers marched to Cargil, Adhau had given a direction of 13 Jak people in Sopore that he would only go five minutes when it was wrong One of them was injured.
He defended his words and saved 97 male life, including captain Naveen Nagappa, who was injured in a grenade explosion, but captain PVC Vikram Batra pulled him to a safe place before running back to attack the enemy bunker, “said a military officer , Coming from Talegaon Baroda Village, Gujarat, Adhau is a Resimptive Medical Officer (RMO) from 13jar.
He is one of the rare doctors who will be awarded the Sena Galantry medal for services on the battlefield.
Posted in Delhi, the officer was also involved in Covid’s task.
“Regardless of our skills as a doctor, the desire to care about the patient – whether it was Cargil Battlefield in the midst of the artillery shooting of enemies or covid patients, helping us achieve a high level of success in terms of war-cargyl-cargyl patients is the biggest example restored army that suffers injuries Bullets and flakes, “said Col Adhau to Ti.

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