The human body swept away in the waterfall was taken – News2IN

The human body swept away in the waterfall was taken

The human body swept away in the waterfall was taken
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: Three days of efforts by expert swimmers generate results on Tuesday when the body of a 24-year-old Gonishetty helish youfered in the Pochera Fall in Adamanabad was taken.
Boath Circle Inspector Sailu told Tii on Tuesday that as many as 20 expert swimmers were at work to track the body.
“Even though the rain became a barrier, expert swimmers did not try to take the body found around 7 in the morning almost 150 meters from where the young men were swept away,” Sailu said.
The body was handed over to relatives after post-mortem was carried out on the site itself.
With a water burst, Harish was washed when he came out with three friends in a picnic at the waterfall on July 18.
When one of his friends, Ramesh, who was with him was washed, Harish was reported to try to save him but in his process, he was swept away.

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