The Industrial Court stopped Confession of St Kamgar Sanghatana – News2IN

The Industrial Court stopped Confession of St Kamgar Sanghatana

Written by news2in

Nagpur: In a large setback to the State Transportation of Maharashtra Kamgar Sanghatana (MSTKS), Industrial Court, Mumbai, has stopped his confession.
Workers’ unions are recognized by MSRTC to negotiate wage agreements and other important decisions on behalf of employees.
The decision was given on Friday on the application submitted by the State Transport Workers Congress (Intuc) in 2012 for violations of the acknowledgment of Maharashtra about trade unions & prevention of employment law (MRUU & Pulp) which was unfair, 1971, for Industrial regulations in this country to achieve empathy destinations between employees and employers.
President Sandeep Sandeep Shinde St.
Sandeep Shinde did not respond to TOI calls but sources said the union had decided to challenge the decision of the Industrial Court in the High Court.
The decision of the Industrial Court came when the employee was in a strike, but after the verdict, some of them joined their duties.
“Among some of the combustion issues raised by intuits, the court reprimanded the argument that the recognized union was not being carried out by bonafid for the benefit of employees, but for the sake of the employer-MSRTC,” said Seema Chopda’s Instructuate lawyer, Mumbai.
“The application was submitted by the General Secretary of the State of Enguka Mukesh Tigot under the provisions of Part 13 of the Act for the cancellation of the recognition given to St.
Kamgar Sanghatana for MSRTC employees.
Sanghatana was given ‘Certificate of Recognition’ on March 7, 1995, given the orders passed by the court , “he said.
The Nigote applicant has stated that the recognized union does not work for the benefit of employees but for the benefit of the employer and the recognition is given in representation errors.
“Sanghatang incits and helps strike which is considered illegal under the action,” begged Tigote.
The applicant also argues that MSRTC is a government-owned company that provides efficient and economical public transportation services throughout the state.
Is a corporate task to provide the appropriate employee service conditions, including fair wages, live accommodation, places for rest, etc.
However, Nigote accused since 1996-2012, due to a sluggish approach, the wages of MSRTC employees recognized, wages increased by 17% while the national wages of other state transportation companies increased 40%.
My Instruct Leader said, “Can you imagine, until 2016, the MSRTC driver’s night allowance is Rs 7 while for the junior Rs 3.50? Now they get Rs 75-85 for passenger buses and Rs 150 for transportation vehicles.
Exploitation of staff forces many employees to kill Self, “they said.
The applicant stated that the wages and other service conditions from employees were governed by various settlements entered between the recognized and MSRTC unions but Sanghatang did not fight for repairs to workers.
Submitting documents to prove the point, Nigote said there was no increase in benefits for the period of settlement of 2000-04 to 2004-08 but in the subsequent settlement period instead of increasing these benefits assessing the inflation rate, all benefits have been reduced.
“Various benefits produced by employees in the 1996-2000 completion year are paid in the 2008-2012 completion year.
An employee, who gets Rs 7 or Rs 12 as a washing allowance in 1996-2000, the same paid to him after 12 years (2008- 2012), “he said.
Employees affiliated with Intuku said that even though various settlements were included since 1996 by the Sanghatana, the suffering of employees remained poor.
The documents themselves indicate the sanghatana is a pro-employer.
Therefore, the Industrial Court decided to support us after many thinking.

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