The lack of vaccine continues Mar ‘Jab for all’ drives – News2IN

The lack of vaccine continues Mar ‘Jab for all’ drives

Written by news2in

Rajkot / Letter / Vadodara: While the state government has issued a target for Covid-19 vaccination to corporations and civilian bodies, it seems that the ambitious drive has reached rough patches.
It has produced severe supply supply gaps from Vaccine Vials throughout Gujarat, especially in cities such as Rajkot, Letters and Vadodara.
The civil authority in all three cities has recognized a short vaccine supply of demand.
Also, some complain about more covaxin supply and less supply of covishield vaccine which has led to chaos in many vaccination centers in Rajkot and letters.
Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) on Monday does not get a vaccine stock on time, the Ministry of Health’s source said.
As a result, many centers must be closed earlier when they ran from vaccine shots.
According to RMC officials, they only have 10,000 covaxin doses in stock.
“Seven lakh people were given the first dose of covishield, from it almost 1.50 lakh now because of the dose set seconds.
People get a reminder to take the second dose, but they cannot be given the opportunity because the RMC comes out of the covishield,” said a health worker government.
Against the target of 25,000 doses every day, only 8,000-12,000 people are inoculated because there is no dose availability.
Commissioner RMC Amit Arora said, “There is a problem of the current stock but while.
We get guarantees from the government that the supply will be normalized in one or two days.” However, the sources claimed to be wrong to manage at a higher level because officials did not take it into account because of the second dose.
Diamond City on Monday gave 22,000 vaccine doses at 100 centers against 12,000 on Sundays.
Supply of vaccines is limited so that the Ministry of Health Municipal Corporation (SMC) continues vaccination from 100 centers from 230 in the past week.
“Walk-in for vaccination continues, but to avoid the rush we issue a token.
We need more covishield doses because the majority of people who come for the second dose are now given the first dose before,” said a health official.
“I waited in line for more than an hour but did not get a vaccine on Sunday.
Today I stood in line for more than two hours and was told that the stock was successful,” said Kirit Parmar (76), who was in the center of vaccination in T & TV High school.
While vaccination has dropped significantly in Vadodara, there has been no shortage of vaccines for the first dose.
Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) and city police must work overtime to ensure people take vaccines.
With several takers, the number of vaccination centers must be reduced.
However, since the last few days, those who looked for the second dose of Covishield had been sent back by several vaccination centers.
Covaxin is widely used in most vaccination centers.
While covishield is available, it can only be found in certain centers.
An official said that from around 13,000 vaccine doses given to VMC, 4,000 to 4,500 were from the covishield.
“This vaccine is available.
We ask those who are looking for a second dose of Covishield to check the portal first before going to the vaccination center,” said the medical officer (health) Dr.
Devesh Patel.

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