The level of spreading the virus above one in all districts in Kerala – News2IN

The level of spreading the virus above one in all districts in Kerala

Thiruvananthapuram: Effective reproduction number (R value) Covid-19 in many districts in the state is high in the last week of July.
If the R value of the country is 1.22, the speed of the spread of the virus in the malappuram is 1.37.
Interestingly, Wayanad, the most populous district in the state, also has a high R value of 1.29.
In India the effective reproductive level is 0.97 in July.
This R value is an indicator of how fast the infection spreads and describes how many people, on average, is infected from one positive person covid.
Pandemics can only end if the number is sustainable below 1.
Going with statistics, all 14 districts in this country have an effective number of reproduction of more than 1 in the last week of July.
Malappuram has the highest rvalue last week starting from 1.32 to 1:42.
However, in Thiruvananthapuram the R value is between 1.05 and 1.1 during the same period.
“The level of spread will be greater in malappuram because of the high population density.
Moreover this district has the highest population of NRKS.
The difference from the first wave and now is that if we isolate positive people in hospitals during the first wave now positive people are at Under care at home.
Therefore, the speed of spread has become high among family members, “said Dr.
A Althaf, Professor Associate, Community Medicine, Medical Hospital, Manjeri.
Among the 14 districts, Thiruvananthapuram had 1.1 lowest rvalue in the last week of July.
Other districts with the lowest cost effective reproduction are Alappuzha (1.13) and Kollam (1.15).
Way and have r value ranging from 1.22 and 1.29 for the past week.
“On the way and, most cases are reported outside the tribal area.
The spread in the community is more because positive people remain under care at home.
More cases are detected and more people are isolated in their own homes.
This might be the reason behind High numbers now.
Tracking more intensive contacts in such a way that all the main contacts of the person are being tested now, “said Dr.
Gr Santosh, who works in the Wayanad tribe area for Covid management.
Althaf said that from the district to district, there was a variant in the virus.
“The R value currently indicates that all districts have high reproduction numbers.
We cannot say in all districts, Delta variants only produce deployment.
There are several variants that are now apply in the state and therefore requires scientific studies to find out how this variant behaves at Each place.
But one thing we will definitely have the current deployment for days, “he said.

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