The man is bound by prison gang with guilt at the age of January 6 – News2IN

The man is bound by prison gang with guilt at the age of January 6

A florida man who was part of the white supremacy gang when he served the time for an attempted murder pleaded on Monday to join a horde that invaded the US Capitol, and would be released from prison this week after undergoing six months for his role in January 6 riots.
Michael Curzio, who has been locked since January 14, is the first of more than 500 people assigned to federal crime in the Capitol attack to be sent behind the bar.
He was sentenced to six months after begging guilty of the load of mild violations, but got credit for the time that had been served and will be released on Wednesday.
Curzio was arrested in Summerfield, Florida, for January 6 riots less than two years after he was released from the Florida prison in 2019 after serving an eight-year sentence due to an attempted murder.
The court note from Florida showed that he shot his ex-girlfriend his girlfriend in a battle at his home.
The prosecutor pointed to his criminal record to look after him behind the bar after his January arrest even though he only faced allegations of mild violations in the riots.
Authorities wrote in court documents that Curzio was part of a white supremakis gang of violence called unaware when he was behind bars in Florida and had a tattoo with the Nazi image.
On January 6, Curzio was part of the crowd near the door to the atrium of the house which rejected the order to leave, the authorities said.
His lawyer said Monday that his sentence was “harder than it should be” because of his criminal record.
“He didn’t attack anyone.
He didn’t ruin anything.
He just walked in the building like many others,” said lawyer Eduardo Balarezo in an interview.
Curzio’s lawyer wrote in court documents that arguing for his release from prison whose clients joined the unmaved “to survive in prison” after being attacked several times by other inmates.
His lawyer writes that Curzio is no longer associated with a gang but does not have funds to remove tattoos.
“Need on January 6, 2021, Mr.
Curzio did not go to the Capitol in a gang member company; he did not use the color of a gang; he did not give Nazi salute; he did not have a poster with Nazi Insignia.
In short, his presence in the Capitol has nothing to do with affiliates Previous gang, “Baarezo wrote in April.
Curzio was the second defendant sentenced to January 6 riots.
The first person to be sentenced was an Indiana woman who pleaded guilty of allegations of parade violations, showing or picket in the Kapitol building.
He was ordered to serve a three-year trial period, conducted 120 hours of community service and paid $ 500 in restitution.
More than a dozen defendants have pleaded guilty, including two members of the oath guard militia group who claimed to conspire with other extremists to block Joe Biden’s victory certification.

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