The Mayoral Race of New York City grew more uncertain after a new vote count – News2IN

The Mayoral Race of New York City grew more uncertain after a new vote count

The Mayoral Race of New York City grew more uncertain after a new vote count
Written by news2in

NEW YORK: New total votes released on Tuesday in the New York City Democratic Democrats sharply narrowed the advantage for Eric Adams, President Borough Brooklyn, leaving the results even more unsure of thousands of vocal as attendance still counted over the next few weeks.
Kathryn Garcia, a former head of sanitation for the city, is in second place, while Maya Wiley, former MSNBC analyst and civil rights lawyers, are third.
Adams led the lead on the day of election a week ago, based on the initial number of the first choice ballots from voters who gave a ballots directly.
But for the first time, the election of the mayor uses the selection-ranking system, where voters can rank up to five candidates in the order of preferences.
Tally Tuesday is the first analysis of those choices, although not including ballots.
The selection-ranking system operates as a series of instant runoffs.
The candidate in the last place was removed, and his voice was distributed back on the choice of the two voters.
The process repeated until there were only two remaining candidates, and the majority were declared the winner.
After 11 elimination rounds, Adams was in front of Garcia 51% to 49%, with margins only below 16,000 votes among more than 700,000 total ballots.
Wiley is the last candidate eliminated; In the second half from behind, he trailed Garcia more than 4,000 votes.
However, Tuesday counts are not included in one of the approximately 125,000 ballots of attendance that have been received, which can easily change the final results.
Garcia’s campaign said it hoped to benefit from the ballots that were attended, which was turned on with high rates in the environment where he did better than Adams and Wiley.
In a statement, Garcia said he was “confident about the road to victory.” The Adams campaign did not immediately comment on the results.
In a statement, Wiley called for every vote to count and urged all New Yorkers to support the results.
Election officials plan to demand the tabulation of selected selection-ranking next week, this time with at least several ballots attendance included.
The final results are not expected until mid-July.
Last week, Adams had 32% of the first choice ballots, based on incomplete results released on election day.
Wiley was 22%, and Garcia stood in third place in 19%.
Andrew, who, former presidential candidate, was in a far fourth place and conceded a race on the election night.
The Primary Democrat winner will be a heavy favorite in the November general election against Nominee Republic of Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Civil Patrol Group Angels Guardian.
Democratic voters exceed the number of republics in the most populous city of the United States with more than a six-to-one ratio.
The next mayor will supervise the difficult city recovery of the Pandemic Coronavirus, which has been damaged by a sharp surge in the shooting.
The city is also dealing with deep problems such as the lack of affordable housing, homeless, and wealth inequality.
The increase in crime dominates the campaign, giving the initial appearance of how the Democrats nationally can approach police issues ahead of the midterm congress election next year.
The Republican Party intends to describe the Democrats as the extremist of the left wing who wants to “beat the police,” fiber who echoed by several liberals last year in the midst of national protests over police brutality.
Adams, who put public safety at the heart of his offer for the mayor, vowed to polish the policy.
In contrast, argues to cut one sixthrow of the $ 6 billion department of the police and redirects money for mental health assistance and other social services.
One of the three leading competitors will make history if the mayor is elected.
Adams will only be the second black mayor in the history of the city, while Wiley will become the first black woman and Garcia the first woman to hold a position.

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