The Minister of Home Union Amit Shah launched the Navbhaat Times – News2IN

The Minister of Home Union Amit Shah launched the Navbhaat Times

The Minister of Home Union Amit Shah launched the Navbhaat Times
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Interior Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday, formally launched now Navbharat, Hindi news channel from Times Network and hopes for the success of the future time group.
Shah spoke now on the 2021 summit in the national capital.
Shah also inaugurated the current time of the 2021 summit held on the theme ‘celebrating India @ 75.
Forming India @ 100′.
He launched the event by turning on traditional lights.
Also read cut cut is not connected with the results of Bypoll: Minister of Transportation Jalan Union Nitin Gadkarinew Delhi: Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari Nitin Gadkari Nitin rejected the accusations of opposition that cutting broke up recently has to do with the results of the Bypoll recently, even When he emitted the belief that greater savings and concern for the environment would encourage the Alsocovid Moreread made in the previous Duty Cut: Minister of Development of Petroleum and Urban Hardeep Purineew Delhi: The price of fuel has increased only 30% for seven years of the Narendra government against 70 years.
% In the same interval since 1973 and cutting excise tasks last week aimed at “providing consumer assistance” and trust in a strong income collection when the “shoot all” economy was a new start.
So, congratulations to all groups of times.
Times Group has noble history in journalism.
I hope they (Times Network) are all the best and hope it will reach a bigger height, “Shah said at the launch of Navbharat -Cina, Minister of Law Kiren Rijju slammed him astray and said it was a “big crime” to interpritate the Chinese people told Arunachal Pradesh and build a village.
Speaking at the present summit, Rijju Saysshah was welcomed by Navika Kumar, group editor, Times Network and editor-in-chief, times now navbharat.

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