The Ministry of Health Uni recommends tuberculosis screening for all Positive Covid-19 patients – News2IN

The Ministry of Health Uni recommends tuberculosis screening for all Positive Covid-19 patients

The Ministry of Health Uni recommends tuberculosis screening for all Positive Covid-19 patients
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Ministry of Health UNI on Saturday recommends Tuberculosis (TB) screening for all Positive Covid-19 patients and Covid-19 screening for all TB patients diagnosed.
Accoriding to the Ministry, there are several media reports that accuse a sudden increase in the case of tuberculosis (TB) have been noticed among patients infected with Covid-19 recently, making doctors worry about receiving around a dozen similar cases every day every day.
Country / UTS has been asked for convergence in better supervision efforts and findings of TB and Covid-19 cases, in early August 2020.
“In addition, some advisors and guidance have also been issued by Mohfw to repeat the needs of BI use -directional TB-Covid and TB-ILI / Sari.
State / UTS has implemented the same, “Read release.
“Because of the impact of restrictions related to Covid-19, case notifications for TB decreased by around 25 percent by 2020 but special efforts were being carried out to reduce this impact through the findings of intensive cases in OPD settings and through the active case search campaign in the community by all states,” He said.
In addition, there is not enough current evidence to suggest that there has been an increase in TB cases because of Covid-19 or due to increasing case search efforts.
Dual Morbidity of Tuberculosis (TB) and Covid-19 can be highlighted further through the fact that these two diseases are known to be contagious and especially attacking the lungs, presenting similar cough symptoms, fever and difficulties in breathing, even though TB ​​has a longer incubation period and the emergence of a slower disease, the UNI health ministry said.
“Furthermore, TB Bacilli can be present in humans inactive and has the potential to start multiplying when individual immunity is compromised for any reason.
The same thing applies in post-covid scenarios, when a person can experience a decrease in immunity because of the virus.
Own or because of treatment , especially immune suppressors like steroids, “said the broadcast.
“SARS-COV-2 infection can make individuals more susceptible to the development of active TB disease, because TB is an oportunistic infection such as black fungi,” he added.
(With input from agency)

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