The month of Jae-in tells the Pope’s visit to the north will help peace in Korea – News2IN

The month of Jae-in tells the Pope’s visit to the north will help peace in Korea

The month of Jae-in tells the Pope's visit to the north will help peace in Korea
Written by news2in

Vatican City: South Korean President Moon Jae-in gave Pope Francis a cross-made sculpture with barbed wire from the demilitarized zone that separated Korea and told him Friday that the North Pontifical visit would help create a “momentum for peace” on the peninsula, said the Peninsula Official.
Moon, a Catholic, called Francis before the start of the group of 20 summits in Rome.
The Vatican, who did not allow independent media between the audience, said the conversation touched the role of the Catholic Church in promoting dialogue and said “The hope is divided that joint efforts and goodness will support peace and development on the Korean Peninsula, supported by solidarity and per person.” Towards the visit South Korean president officials said they expected the Moon and Francis to discuss the possibility of the Pontifical visit to the North Official Atheis, because Francis previously expressed the desire to visit if it became possible.
The Vatican did not mention the possibility of a trip in his statement on Friday and no one was believed to be considered.
The first month floated the idea of ​​the papal visit to the north in 2018 when he revealed that North Korean leaders Kim Jong-un said during the summit between Korean leaders that the Pope would be “greeted enthusiastically”.
Kim was then actively involved in diplomacy with Seoul and Trump Administration in an effort to utilize its nuclear program to reduce US-led economic sanctions.
But diplomacy slipped and north also cut cooperation with South Korea while expressing frustration for the inability of the government of the month to take concessions on the name of Washington.
Moon told the Pope on Friday that if he had the opportunity to visit North Korea, it would “create momentum for peace on the Korean Peninsula” and that “South Korea had great expectations (for the north papal visit),” Kyung’s Moon spokesman said -Mee.
The park said Francis said in the month that he would be “happy to visit” North if he received an official invitation, so he could help Korean people and contribute to peace.
He described the people of two Korea as “brothers who shared the same language.” During the gift exchange, Francis gave Moon A Medallion to replicate the original planning plan for St.
Peter’s Square.
The design imagined the two main pillars of the Vatican Piazza embraced humanity in the church.
He also gave him a copy of some of his main texts, including one that described his vision for greater human brotherhood.
The Moon Crusades are made with barbed wire from DMZ.
The accompanying note, written in Spanish, said the hope is that nails and iron used to make barbed wire be used instead as a symbol of peace.
“I prayed by devoting himself that this chef was in the roots and peace can develop,” said the note.

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