The MoU signed to develop Kanpur as a global tourist destination and industrial hub – News2IN

The MoU signed to develop Kanpur as a global tourist destination and industrial hub

The MoU signed to develop Kanpur as a global tourist destination and industrial hub
Written by news2in

Kanpur: To meet the objectives of “Kanpur clean, safe, and prosperous with effective mobility services and to develop cities as international tourist destinations and industrial center, Memorandum Joint Understanding (MoU) signed on Friday between IIM-Indore, Kanpur Smart City Limited ( KSCL), Kanpur Development Authority (KDA) and Canpur Police Commissioner The city of Shivashanappa was present at that occasion.
Commissioner Raj Shekar said MOU would help in utilizing Iim-Indore’s experience and expertise “in implementing projects and works that had been taken by the Government Department.
“Iím-indore, a 25-year-old management agent is the second II to get the accreditation of” Triple Crown School “by the European Foundation for management for development (EFMD) after IIM-Kolkata,” said Raj Shekhar.
IIM-indore has also signed the MoU with Lal Bahadur Shastri National Administration, Mustoorie and also works with many famous international management organizations.
This has pocketed many Excellence Business Amba awards, the commissioner said.
“Iím-indore greatly contributed to the community through social innovation through the Rural Engagement program (REP)”, he added.
Kanpur Smart City Limited (KSCL) will take assistance from iim-indore in monitoring civil infrastructure, asset management, income revenue modalities, a better solid waste management system, better traffic management through ICCC, he continued.
The Director of IIM Himanshu Rai said that the priority work to be taken includes traffic management, solid waste management and public information and awareness under the mission of Swachh Bharat.
KDA has registered with the following head where will seek help from IIM-INDORE, said KDA Deputy Chairperson of Arvind Singh.
“Heads include asset management (sales of property developed), land bank management, HR management, note management, information collection / analysis and handle public complaints etc.,” Singh added.
“In the Police Commissioner, Iim-Indore, with the help of traffic police and the command center and clever-city control will take effective traffic management, public information and awareness activities, smart traffic signaling, effective integrated traffic management system (ITM) With police traffic and Smart City Command and Control Center, “Commissioner of Police Informed Asim Kumar Arun.

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