The name of the cheney pelosi to the investigation panel 6 Jan Riot – News2IN

The name of the cheney pelosi to the investigation panel 6 Jan Riot

The name of the cheney pelosi to the investigation panel 6 Jan Riot
Written by news2in

Washington: Nancy Pelosi’s home speaker on Thursday called Representative of the Republic of Liz Cheney and seven Democrats to the new Choose Committee to investigate the January 6 rebellion in the Capitol.
Representative of Bennie Thompson, Chair of the Homeland House security committee, will lead the panel.
This will investigate what was wrong around the Capitol when hundreds of supporters of President Donald Trump entered the building, being hunted for members of parliament and interrupting the Congratical Certification of Democratic Election Joe Biden.
Cheney said in a statement that he was “honored” to serve on the committee and that “Congress was obliged to carry out a full investigation into the most serious attack on our Capitol since 1814”.
The house approved the panel on Wednesday for the Republican objection.
Cheney, which was expelled from GOP’s leadership this year because of his criticism of Trump, was one of only two Republicans who supported the formation of the committee.
Pelosi formed a committee after the Republican Senate blocked the probe Mandiri, bipartisan.
In addition to Thompson, D-Miss.
Other democratic members from the panel will become a repetition.
Jamie Raskin from Maryland, Zoe Lofgren of California, Elaine Luria from Virginia, Stephanie Murphy from Florida and Pete Aguilar from Texas.
The minority leader of the house Kevin McCarthy has threatened to violate the Republican committee if they accepted the appointment of the pelosion to join the committee, a top house GOP Aide said Thursday.
Warning by McCarthy underlined the opposition party leader to the committee and their desire to form a narrative about his work as much as they could.
The Republican Party complains that the panel will be dominated by Democrats and will produce a tilted report, partisan, even though GOP previously broke the previous democratic efforts to form a bipartisan commission.
McCarthy told the closed meeting of GOP members of the first house on Wednesday that he, not a pelosion of controlling the duties of the Republic committee, said Aide.
He told them that if Pelosi mentions their names to the committee and they accept, they must plan to get all their committe tasks from him – a real threat to remove it from their current panel.
Aide speaks with anonymity requirements to describe a personal meeting.
McCarthy’s threat was first reported by Punchbowl News, a political news organization.
Pelosi has the authority to appoint the chairman and at least eight out of 13 members.
The resolution gave him the possibility of saying in the appointment of five other members too, directed that they would be named “after consultation” with McCarthy.
Cheney and Representative of Adam Kinzinger from Illinois, another Trump criticism, is the only Republican Party who chose to form a new committee.
GOP leaders have not said whether Republicans will even participate in the new panel.

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