The new FBI memo memo was released on Saudi involvement with a 9/11 hijacker – News2IN

The new FBI memo memo was released on Saudi involvement with a 9/11 hijacker

The new FBI memo memo was released on Saudi involvement with a 9/11 hijacker
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Biden Administration declassifies Saturday FBI memo which fortified the suspicion of official Saudi involvement with hijackers on the September 11, 2001 attacks, but fell well from evidence that the families of the victims who expected Saudi Arabia.
Memo from April 4, 2016, which has been classified until now, shows the relationship between Omar Bayoumi, at that time a student but was suspected of being a Saudi intelligence operation, and two al-Qaeda operatives who participated in the plot.
To hijack and hit four planes to the target in New York and Washington.
Read Alsofbi declassified documents related to the 9/11 attack on the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI) on Saturday declassifying several documents related to the 9/11 attack investigation which was terrible in the US.
These documents also bring information related to alleged Saudi government support for the attack.
The documents were released as the interview in 2009 and 2015 with sources whose identity was classified, detailed contact documents and meetings between Bayoumi and two hijackers, Nawaf Al Hazmi and Khalid Al Midhar, after both of them arrived in South California in 2000 in front.
Also read the focus on hatred ‘: World’s 20th birthday value 9 / 11New York: The world sincerely marked the 20th anniversary on Saturday, considering the dead, calling heroes just a few weeks.
After the end of the bloody Afghan war launched in response to terror attacks.
Relatives of the victims and four USREAD Arsous warnings 9/11, head bent literally and Geo-Politikwashington: United States on Saturday commemorating the 20th anniversary of the 20th 9/11, the most honorable terrorist attacks in history, with his head bent – literally and Geo-politics.
As President Joe Biden led the sorrow by stopping at Ground Zero in New York City, a field in Pennsylvania, and Atit also strengthened the relationships that had been reported between the two and Fahad Al Thumairy, a conservative priest at the King Faires Mosque in Los Angeles and an official at the Los Angeles Saudi consulate there.
Read Alsowhat that occurred on September 11, 2001 here is the timeline for September 11, 2001, when the commercial aircraft crashed into the Twin Towers of the New York World Trade, Pentagon and, after passengers put up the counterattack, Pennsylvania.
Nearly 3,000 people were killed, including more than 2,600 in the World Trade Center, 125 documents said that telephone numbers related to the source indicated contact with a number of people who helped Hamzi and Midhar when they were in California, including Bayoumi and Thumairy, such as their own source.
It was said that the source told the FBI that Bayoumi, outside his official identity as a student, had a “very high status” at the Saudi Consulate.
“Bayumi help for Hamzi and Midha included translations, trips, lodging, and financing,” said the memo.
The memo also said that the wife of the FBI source told them Bayoumi often talked about “Jihad.” And further connected with the meeting, telephone calls and other communications, Bayoumi and Thumairy with Anwar Al Alaki, US-born cleric who became an important al-Qaeda figure before he was killed in a drone attack in Yemen in 2011.
The document was released still significantly Removed and did not offer a clear direct relationship between the Saudi government and the hijacker.
It was released after President Joe Biden was pressured by family members from those who were killed on 9/11 who sued Saudi Arabia for involvement.
Three US administration in a row has refused to decrease and release documents related to this case, it seems because they do not want to damage the US-Saudi relationship.
Jim Kreindler, one of the leaders of the lawsuit, said the document validated the key dispute demands that the Saudi government helped the hijackers.
“With the release of this first document, 20-year-old Saudi Arabia relied on the US government to cover his role on 9/11,” Kreindler said in a statement.
The family still hopes for stronger evidence when more classified materials are released in the next six months, based on Biden orders.

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