The new Taliban government will make us angry, China, India and Iran – News2IN

The new Taliban government will make us angry, China, India and Iran

The new Taliban government will make us angry, China, India and Iran
Written by news2in

A week ago, Afghan residents were worried and Biden Administrative officials who were advised trying to get comfort in reports that Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar will head the new Taliban government in Kabul.
It seems like the most bad choice.
As the leader of the group political wing, Baradar has become the main representative of the Taliban in peaceful negotiations with the US in Qatar, and is considered to hold a rather moderate view of most military commanders.
In the interview, he promised “inclusive” the government, representing all the ethnic groups and the country.
Apparently, Baradar may be lucky to be included in the government.
It was announced on Tuesday, the new caregiver administration was dominated by the Taliban military faction, with hard lines in key positions.
Baradar only in the third level of the hierarchy, as one of the two deputy prime minister.
He will report to Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund, who in turn answered to the highest leader Haibatullah Akhundzada.
Baradar’s humility damages Afghan’s hopes for better people, Taliban 2.0.
“Far from inclusive, the cabinet is fully male, extraordinary from the community of Pashtun and does not have representatives of the Shia minority.
This makes it increasingly difficult to believe the agent’s return group, both about women’s freedom or religious tolerance.
It’s more worrying for a wider world , a new dispensation in Kabul is abundant with men with a bona fence that will be welcomed at the high-table al-Qaida and Islamic State.
The composition of the government extends the opportunity for the Biden president’s betting that the Taliban will make common causes with Washington in the fight against jihadist terrorism.
The most prominent from The hardline in the office is Sirajuddin Haqqani, a terrorist appointed by the US with a long relationship with Al-Qaida and other jihadist groups.
Afghanistan with a sense of humor that is morbid can now claim the grace of $ 10 million offered by the FBI “for information that leads directly to the arrest “from the Minister of Home Affairs They are new.
If Mohammed Yaqoob, Minister of Defense, does not have Haqqani terrorist credentials, he is more than redeeming for this in the lineage: He is the oldest son of Mullah Omar, the first highest Taliban leader and host Osama bin Laden.
Yaqoob has oversee the Taliban military operations in recent years, because the group has embraced many al-Qaeda tactics, including the use of suicide bombings on civilian targets.
Head of New Intelligence, Abdul Haq Wassiq, complements the Troika of Security Bosses.
He was under UN sanctions for his role in the previous Taliban government, when he was “responsible for dealing with relationships with al-Qaida-related foreign fighters and their training camps in Afghanistan.” (More than half a 33-man cabinet is under UN sanctions.) If the leader of Al-Qaeda Ayman Al-Zawahiri can choose three people to run Afghan security services, it is a safe bet that Haqqani, Yaqoob and Wassiq will be above the list .
The Biden government must assume that they will make it their business to turn Afghanistan once again a safe place for terrorism.
It is impossible for a lot of comfort for Washington, but the government in Kabul will also discuss other countries with interest in Afghanistan.
For example, there will be a disturbance in China about the head of the Qari Fasihuddin Army, who has had a long relationship with the East Turkestan Islamic movement, which accuses terrorism in Xinjiang Province.
(Trump Administration last year erased ETIM from the list of Department of Foreign Affairs terrorist groups.) Meanwhile, Shyiah Shutout will cause great concerns in Iran, who consider themselves as a minority sect protector.
There was concern about the commencement of the persecution of the Hazara community dominated by Shiite which marked the previous Taliban administration in the late 1990s.
And there is bad news for India, which invests many in Afghanistan for the past 20 years.
The harder is tied by Islamabad.
The Taliban historically sided with Pakistan in his dispute with India for Kashmir, and many Indians were afraid of the group would contribute more than moral support for rebels in a turbulent region.
Just as in Washington, the fingers were crossed in Beijing, Tehran and New Delhi with the hope of a Afghan government led by Baradar.
Now they have to all clamp for the worst.
By Bobby Ghosh.

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