The nomination board for City soon – News2IN

The nomination board for City soon

The nomination board for City soon
Written by news2in

Gurgaon: The Government Haryana has decided to refer to the “member of the nominated board” for city companies in Gurgaon and several other districts.
The urban local body department has proposed three names for Gurgaon – Yadram Joya, Manish Yadav and Krishan Kumar – and asked Deputy Commissioner to check whether they had a criminal record.
While Kumar is the President of the JJP District, Joyav and Yadav associated with BJP.
If the promise is resolved, the MCG will have a board member nominated for the first time.
The city currently has 35 selected board members.
This nominated board member will not have voting rights in MCG affairs, but they will be allowed to attend home meetings and offer suggestions for city development.
“The government has been seeking our response on behalf of the nominated board members But it will be allowed to attend the meeting, “said Mayor Madhu Azad.
Deputy Commissioner will now ask three people proposed by the government to send self-certificates to ensure that they do not have a criminal past.
His office will also set up a character verification report and will send two documents to the urban local body department.
If the report is found satisfactory, the department will approve the appointment.
“The nominated board member will not be able to give movement without trust at home, but they will have other forces to make developments in the city.
Their area, unlike the elected board members, will not be defined and they can provide recommendations for the whole city,” said Anil Yadav, a functionary at Gurgaon BJP.
Officials said that since the promise would be the first to Gurgaon, the Department of Urban Local Agency would decide the nominated work period.
The general election to the MCG house is scheduled to occur after the current term settlement in 2022.
“This is a big step for the city.
People like Yadram Joya have worked for Gurgaon for more than 30 years now.
He has become a BJP worker and knows the city with well, “said Mahesh Dayma, member member number 30.

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