The note sound experts caution because the FDA found 52 out of 86 dipper honey samples – News2IN

The note sound experts caution because the FDA found 52 out of 86 dipper honey samples

The note sound experts caution because the FDA found 52 out of 86 dipper honey samples
Written by news2in

Nagpur: How secure is the honey you consume? Food and Narcotics Administration (FDA) on Monday tested 86 leading brands, found 52 samples for falsified, and confiscated more than 3.480kg of honey stock worth more than RS36 lakh from manufacturers in Mumbai.
“The brands cannot pass the nuclear magnetic resonance test (NMR), which revealed Mannose, Maltose, and Maltotriose sugar syrup.
Possible bad effects on health by consuming this type of honey cannot be ruled out,” FDA officials said in the release.
During the Covid period, there has been a big demand for honey by consumers to increase immunity.
“Because honey demand increases, counterfeiting also increases.
Honey is the most poor food product after milk and ghee,” said Pranaav Nimbalkar, a famous beekeeper from the city.
In December, the Center for Science and Environment (CSE) claimed that 77% of the samples from 13 top honey brands in the country were found falsified.
“RAID in Mumbai is only the tip of the iceberg.
Because the forgery method becomes more sophisticated, detection becomes more difficult.
But only laboratory tests can really determine whether honey is authentic,” said Nimbalkar.
Growing and adultrator falsification businesses abuse advanced laboratory settings to come up with new syrup that can bypass existing regulatory tests.
Sexy experts agree that honey forgery is done using synthetic sugar syrup, and liquid sugar and liquid jaggery (Kakvi) is quite outdated today because it can be easily detected.
“These sugar syrup is like high fructose corn syrup and rice syrup has a high fructose content, which can damage the body.
At least the jaggery mixed honey is natural, but honey has fructose levels increase sugar levels in the body even though honey is consumed to control sugar,” said Nimbalkar.
Consumers can think honey forests may be the best but harvesting honey from natural itching occurring in difficult circumstances.
It is not possible to check whether the entire nest contains mature honey.
Products from honey hunting are usually a mixture of high water content honey.
“It is processed and heated for reducing moisture, which destroys essential enzymes, antioxidants, and vitamins.
That is why most of the forest honey is available in the market is not raw.
Anyone who mentions raw honey must be asked to show what claims have been made,” said Nimbalkar .
Factors such as the use of expanding pesticides and reducing tree habitats have an impact on the bee bee population.
Demand for more forest honey can only make this situation worse.
Nimbalkar advises consumers to only have to buy raw honey (not heated and without filters), which mentions the source of the nectar (interest where the bee collects it).
Ironically, no company mentions it.
“The honey available on the market is RS400-500 per kg but what we produce is Rs1.300 per kg.
This is the main reason why people finally buy honey sub-standards,” he said.
How Honey Adulterates Adulteration Indirectly * Bees covered in sugar syrup to improve the results of honey in itching * The honey produced is only other sugars with almost no drug value * Too often using veterinary drugs * In addition to controlling the disease, the consumption of growth is also * consumption of honey Mixed antibiotics such can contribute to the evolution of superbugs that are resistant to drugs on humans who are adulterated directly * Ditalsekan with corn syrup and c4 sugar cane falsified with c3 sugar syrup such as rice and bits syrup to cut laboratory tests that can detect sugars * Advanced syrup who beat C3 and C4 tests * Honey falsified by up to 50% can bypass all tests including C3 and C4 tests, claiming Chinese companies selling false claims * Honey samples from many companies that advertise NMR ‘NMR tested’ tests carried out by samples Maharashtra FDA * Honey brand that previously passed the NMR test now failed In the NMR test carried out by Maharas HPTA FDA.

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