The nuclear supervision agreement with Iran continues to hope for life-alive talks – News2IN

The nuclear supervision agreement with Iran continues to hope for life-alive talks

The nuclear supervision agreement with Iran continues to hope for life-alive talks
Written by news2in

Tehran: Iran and the UN Atomic Agency on Sunday announced that IAEA will continue to oversee Tehran’s nuclear activities, calm the pain in the talks to make the 2015 agreement to curb its program.
With negotiations in Vienna between Iran and World Powers meet the deadlock, the steps produced by the Head of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi during a visit to Tehran, leaving a bribe for the ambition of US President Joe Biden to restore the agreement, known as JCPOA.
Because Donald Trump’s administration walked away in 2018, Iran had also resigned from many of his commitments.
In a joint statement of Sunday, Grossi and Head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) Mohammad Esli – Also one of the country’s vice presidents – praised “the spirit of cooperation and mutual trust”, while noting that supervision is a problem that must be treated “exclusively technically “.
Esami welcomed “good negotiations and constructive with Mr.
Grossi,” while again insisting on the “technical” nature of bargains, the official Irna news agency Iran reported.
Their agreement was related to Iran’s limits had imposed the ability of the IAEA to monitor its nuclear facilities.
Iran refused to provide real time recordings from cameras and other supervisory tools installed by the UN agency at this location.
Under the compromise agreement, monitoring equipment remains in the agency custody but the data is in Iran’s ownership, and may not be removed as long as the settings remain apply.
Originally agreed for three months, the compromise was extended a month and then ended on June 24.
Without a word in the next step, said IAEA in a statement last Tuesday that “verification and monitoring activities were damaged by” by Tehran’s actions.
But in the Sunday agreement, “IAEA Inspector is permitted to serve equipment identified and replace their storage media which will be stored under the IAEA together and seal AEOI (Iran) in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said a joint statement.
“The way and time are agreed upon by both parties.” The supervision problem has increased tensions during the new government of Iran’s Ultrakonvative President of the Ebrahim Relision to take over in Tehran.
Iran has also increased uranium inventory which was enriched above the level which was permitted in the 2015 agreement, said IAEA said.
The UN Agency Board of Governors Meeting is scheduled for Monday.
“We have decided to attend the next meeting and to continue our conversation on the sidelines,” said Iran’s essay.
Relision argues in a statement on Wednesday that his country is “transparent” about his nuclear activities, which Iran always insists peace.
“Naturally, if there is a non-constructive approach by the IAEA, it does not make sense to expect Iran to respond constructively,” he said.
US Secretary Antony Blinken warned Wednesday that, faced with a deadlock, the United States “near” to leave his diplomatic efforts.
Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett on Friday accused the IAEA report “proved that Iran continued to lie to the world and advance the program to develop nuclear weapons, denying its international commitment”.

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