The ongoing deliberation for the global agreement to deal with future pandemics: who is the head of scientist – News2IN

The ongoing deliberation for the global agreement to deal with future pandemics: who is the head of scientist

The ongoing deliberation for the global agreement to deal with future pandemics: who is the head of scientist
Written by news2in

Pune: In the midst of the spread of the Virt Virus Omicron that is not patient from the SARS-COV2 (WHO) virus (WHO) Health Organization (WHO) Dr.
Soumya Swaminathan on Monday said that the discussion occurred at the global level whether there was a need for international agreements effectively combating future pandemics.
A few weeks ago the World Health Assembly (WHA) in a special session met to compile and negotiate conventions, agreements, or international instruments on the prevention of pandemic, preparedness and response.
Overcoming the opening ceremony of the Panex-21 seminar, the Chief Scientist said, “Some of the current discussions at the global level are about whether we must have a global pandemic agreement that binds all countries into certain types of behavior as we have rules around the use of nuclear energy atoms .
“” The use of biological weapons is not permitted and there are conventions and global agreements in the health sector, “he added.
Citing the example of the WHO framework convention on tobacco control, Dr.
Swaminathan said this convention took years to negotiate but ultimately set up the rules around tobacco control, which had resulted in significant tobacco consumption reduction.
“It is a good example of international agreements that will be possible to deal with future pandemics,” added the head of scientist.
Earlier this month, WHA has agreed to begin the global process to compile and negotiate the Constitution, an agreement under the WHO Constitution strengthens the prevention of pandemic, preparedness and responses.
This is a decision intended to protect the world from the crisis of infectious diseases in the future.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO the Director General said the decision by the World Health Assembly was historic in nature, vital in its mission, and represented a generation of opportunities to strengthen the global health architecture to protect and promote everyone’s welfare.
Panex-21 is a multi-nation disaster management exercise organized by the Indian Army with a special focus on legs in the background of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand and Indian countries – BIMSTEC are among those who participate in the event.

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