The Pakistani intelligence agency content tries Destabilization Bangladesh: Report – News2IN

The Pakistani intelligence agency content tries Destabilization Bangladesh: Report

Dhaka: The Pakistani intelligence agency content tried to disrupt Bangladesh by strengthening Islamic terrorism roots in Dhaka, which was formed in 1971 as a secular state.
Emphasizing the role of content in addition to allowing, Minister Bangladesh Hasan Ul-Inu said “The contents of Pakistan are trying to mess up Bangladesh since when Bangladesh becomes independent and these aspects cannot be ignored,” Bangladesh Live News.
The relationship between terror in Bangladesh and his support by Pakistan was established in 2016 Holey Artisan Bakery Attack in Dhaka’s luxury area which killed 20 people from five different countries.
The attack was carried out by an adult group called Jamat-UL Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB).
Raids post-attacks on terrorist groups revealed that the group was supported by Pakistani-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (Leave), report Bangladesh Live News.
Fill frequently accused of supporting various terrorist groups, including allowing, in the form of training, funds, and protection.
Immediately after the 2016 Dhaka attack, the Bangladesh government found an investigation that JMB terrorists had gone to Pakistan and then to Afghanistan to receive military training, according to Bangladesh’s direct news report.
Let it have played a role in training JMB and radicalization in Bangladesh, reporting Bangladesh Live News.
JMB and let’s all found to have begun to help Rohingya Muslims, who live in Teknaf Cox’s Bazar and remote areas in Bandarban in Bangladesh.
Former President of Myanmar, Htin Kyaw has blamed the Rohingya Terrorist group AQA Mul Mujahideen (AMM) for attacks on the country’s border post.
AMM based in Bangladesh has originated from the islamic-jihad (huji-a), which maintains close relations with the LET and Pakistan Taliban, the report said.
AMM recruited young people from Rohingya refugee camps and trained them to carry out terror attacks in Bangladesh and India.
For more than a decade now, there was a strong collaboration between the Let, JMB, AMM because many young people from Bangladesh were sent to Pakistan for training in weapons and weapons, reported Bangladesh’s direct news.
In 2012, Bangladesh’s authority had arrested Maulana Shabeer Ahmed, Rohingya’s operative based in Pakistan.
He was found to work with Rohingya terrorists in Bangladesh in the name of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM), another Pakistani-based terror group.
A few years ago, JMB had given the slogan ‘Turning Bangladesh to Talibani Afghanistan’.
Now, JMB has promised its loyalty to the Islamic state.
This is not possible without Pakistani-based assistance, which makes the terrorists active outside the Indian continental child.
So the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan will now have a strong impact on Bangladesh as extremism and terrorist activities tend to increase, said Bangladesh Live News.
Two terrorist groups in Bangladesh, Jamaat and Hefaat, also stated that they wanted to create a Taliban country in the country.
Packness from the Pakistani government only supports the beliefs of leaders, who now want to target Bangladeshes other than India, the report said.

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