The Pentagon’s climate plan: Combining a hotter reality and Harshher in war strategy – News2IN

The Pentagon’s climate plan: Combining a hotter reality and Harshher in war strategy

The Pentagon's climate plan: Combining a hotter reality and Harshher in war strategy
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The new Pentagon plan calls for incorporating the reality of the earth that is hotter and harder at every level in the US military, from making a climate that deteriorated extreme part obliged strategic planning to train their own troops and treat their own water injury.
Pentagon – Jet, aircraft carrier, truck convoy, base and office building cumulatively burns more oil than most countries – is among the federal institutions ordered by President Joe Biden to overhaul their climate resilience plan when he served in January.
About 20 agents released the plan on Thursday.
“These are important steps, not only to meet the requirements, but to defend the nation with all conditions, ” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin wrote in a letter accompanying the Pentagon’s climate plan.
This follows decades of US military assessment is a threat to security National, given the increased risk of conflict of water and more smooth resources, threats to military installations and supply chains, and increasing the risks of troops.
The US military is the largest institutional consumer in the world, and thus the key contributor to the climate that deteriorates globally.
But the Pentagon’s plan focuses on adapting to climate change, not in the cuts of its own significant output from climate destruction fossil fuels failed in heat ext Brake or cold.
US forces in dried areas abroad compete.
With a local population to respond to water supplies, creating “friction or even conflict”.
Already, the worst forest fires in US West, fierce storms on the coast and increased heat in several regions disrupting military training and readiness.
The Department of Defense The department of the new department quoted the example of Michael’s storm in 2018, which hit the Tyndall Air Force base in Florida.
Beyond the cost of $ 3 billion to be rebuilt, the storm removes the top-class simulator and training of the state for the stealth fighter f-22s for months.
It was only one of several storms and floods that had influenced operations such as US bases in recent years.
The climate adaptation plan focuses on what it says is the need to enter accurate and current climate data into strategic, operational and tactical decision making.
It includes advanced training senior officials and other people in what the report calls climate literacy.
“Failure to integrate correctly the understanding of climate change on related risks can significantly increase the adaptation and operating costs of the department from time to time …
Imperile supply chain, and / or produce depraded and outdated capabilities,” the plan warned.
The Department of Defense since 2001 contributed to 80 percent of all US government energy consumption every year, according to the administration of energy information.
A US military focus on more energy-efficient equipment has reduced the use of fossil fuels in several ways, and allows several warships, for example, to increase reach and deployment time, military said.
But the emphasis of the Pentagon remains in its mission to maintain striking military force.
Thursday’s plan shows using climate mitigation technology such as battery storage and microgrid when it matches the defense mission a.s.
This shows “exploring” – rather than mandates – steps such as asking for suppliers to report their own output of fossil fuel pollution.

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