The Pocso Court rejects the Government of Government Allegations – News2IN

The Pocso Court rejects the Government of Government Allegations

Written by news2in

Kanpur: Special Judge Pocso Act Court Rajve Singh on Monday rejected the guarantee application accusing Rajeev Kumar who had been sued by the police for rape and beating the victim’s father and brother.
The court observed that the victim in his statement was recorded under Section 164.
The CR PC stated that the defendant did not only rose it but also the genitals of his brother and broke his father’s hand.
At the time of the incident, the victim was around 15 years old.
Admitting facts and circumstances and seriousness of violations and without commenting about the advantages of the case, there is no reason for guarantees.
Therefore, the guarantee application accused Rajeev Kumar was rejected, the court observed in its order.
The victim in his statement stated that Bibi Rajeev called him on August 21.2018 in his room and was asked to clean it.
After cleaning when he left the room, Rajeev entered and physically exploited himself.
When he reported the incident at the police station, he threatened him about the terrible consequences and forced him to pull the report.
According to Adgc Sushil Kumar, meanwhile, Rajeev has called four other police officers who raised his father cracked and his brother became impotent after they hit his genitals.
Because the defendant had committed a vile violation, therefore, the guarantee application must be canceled, ADGC begged because he had been in prison since January, 5,2022, and did not have a criminal history, therefore, he must be released with a guarantee.

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