The post-covid symptoms lasted for two months in many patients – News2IN

The post-covid symptoms lasted for two months in many patients

Jaipur: During the first wave, post-covid symptoms 19 lasts two weeks or a month, but in the second wave, the symptoms last for more than two months.
Patients, who received negative reports in May, still experienced post-covid symptoms such as sugar height, lethargy, problems related to lungs and brain fog.
The Covid-19 core care and management team in the state on Friday said that these patients need to regularly visit doctors to follow their drugs and must maintain a healthy lifestyle to overcome the symptoms.
“Yes, it can be seen that many patients get post covid symptoms lasts for two months and more.
We still get patients who have sugar levels, heart rate, lung-related problems, and even brain fog.
These patients are advised to continue their visit to their doctor and follow drugs as suggested for them.
Also, to ensure that their sugar levels may not appear further, they must maintain a healthy lifestyle.
They also have to have disciplined food habits and have to enjoy some physical activities, “said Dr.
Sudhir Bhandari, the principal and controller, SMS Medical College who also headed Covid care and management teams in the state when talking to TOI.
Patients get prolonged post-covid symptoms are also confused and worried about their health.
“I started panting when I walked.
I Covid Negative on May 12.
The doctor states that there are still some problems left in my lungs.
I have also suggested some of the lung physiotherapy I follow,” said Mukesh Agarwal A rental accountant that has a HRCT 18 score and remains in the hospital for a month.
Ajeet Singh, Spirit Supervisors, said, “Surprisingly that many patients who get negative reports during the first week may still get post-covid symptoms.
Those who have damaged their lungs must be extra careful while other symptoms such as brain fog, lethargic and increased sugar levels will gradually subside.

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