The protest led by women in Kabul turned into violence; Taliban Resorts to tear the gas – News2IN

The protest led by women in Kabul turned into violence; Taliban Resorts to tear the gas

The protest led by women in Kabul turned into violence; Taliban Resorts to tear the gas
Written by news2in

KABUL: The protest led by the activist of women’s rights in Kabul turned into violence after the Taliban troops prevented them march towards the Presidential Palace.
According to Tolo News, the Taliban prevented the demonstration proceed with spraying tear gas.
The women in Kabul are performing protests, demanding their rights and representatives in the new government.
They said their role in the next government must be significant.
This is the second day of protests.
A group of Afghan women’s activists protested in Kabul on Friday, looking for the same rights and ensuring the role of decision making for them in political life in the country that had been taken over by the Taliban.
In the midst of a report on the formation of new governments in Afghanistan will be led by the Taliban Co-Founder Mullah Baradar, a group of women’s rights activists in Kabul asked for clothes to ensure the role of decision making for women in the future.
Video protests are also directly channeled by the group, which calls for the recognition of political, economic and social rights of women.
Previously, dozens of Afghan women on Thursday held protests in the West Herat City who demanded female rights and representatives in the government formation after the Taliban took control of the war-hit by the country.
Experts believe that Afghan women are likely to face uncertain future under the regime of terrorist groups.
Older generation remembers the ultraconvative Islamic regime that sees stoning, amputation and public execution during the Taliban government before the US-led invasion that follows the terror attack on September 11, 2001.
Under the Taliban, which rules in accordance with strong interpretation of Islamic law, women are mostly limited on their home.
In recent weeks, the Taliban has sent a mixture of messages about women who work.
At the end of August, Group spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said that women who worked with the government had to stay at home until they could ensure their safety on the streets and in the office.

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