The same emphasis must be given in online and offline teaching modes: Sonam Wangchuk – News2IN

The same emphasis must be given in online and offline teaching modes: Sonam Wangchuk

The same emphasis must be given in online and offline teaching modes: Sonam Wangchuk
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Education and Innovator Sonam Wangchuk, Phunsukh Wangdu Real Life from ‘3 Idiots’, feels that the Pandemic Covid-19 has shown a country that the same emphasis needs to be given in online and offline teaching modes.
Wangchuk, who is the founder of the education and culture of students in Ladakh, also said that the government needs to be “very” invest in the education sector and establish the infrastructure needed to provide online lessons.
Safe! You have managed to throw your voteogin to see results “If the best lecture on different disciplines in outsourcing through the internet, students will benefit.
Covid-19 has given us the opportunity to put the same emphasis on online and offline learning,” Wangchuk, ” Wangchuk, “also an environmentally friendly and social reformer, telling a press meeting at Science City on Saturday.
The rich and strong in the country must do their bits to improve educational infrastructure, Ladakh-based engineers stated.
“After the Covid-19 situation is increasing, online classes can continue along with offline classes because both are complementary,” his advice.
Asking students to think outside the box, he said that all educational institutions ideally function as laboratories for innovation.
He further noted that steps must be taken to create more educators.
“We must build a atmosphere where we can create more educators who can form society.
We create technicians but not teachers.
The mindset must change,” Wangchuk said.
Forging 2020 new education policy, he said it was “progressive” and emphasized the inter-disciplinary learning.
“I hope it is applied correctly because changing the mindset is not easy,” he added.

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