The state may not place blocks and hold on for no reason for demand to appoint terrorists: India at UNSC – News2IN

The state may not place blocks and hold on for no reason for demand to appoint terrorists: India at UNSC

The state may not place blocks and hold on for no reason for demand to appoint terrorists: India at UNSC
Written by news2in

The United Nations: In Swipe in China, India told the UN Security Council on Thursday that countries should not place “blocks and survive” for no reason about the demand to appoint terrorists, warn that double standards and differences between terrorists will be made only on “Peril we alone”.
“The international community has a collective view that terrorism in all forms and manifestations must be condemned.
There cannot be exceptions or justification for every action of terrorism, regardless of the motivation behind the action,” said Minister of External Affairs Jaisankar to UN Security.
Jaisanhar, the President of the UN Security Council, led UNSC’s direction of the threat to peace and international security caused by terrorist acts held under the presidency of the Council of India.
Speaking in his national capacity, Jaishankar alluded to his statement to the council.
January this year when he has proposed an eight-point action plan that aims to collectively eliminate the specter of terrorism.
“Calling political will: Do not justify terrorism, do not glorify terrorists; there is no double standard.
Terrorists are terrorists; differences are only made in our own danger; Do not place a block and hold on a list of no reasons,” he said.
It refers to CH INA, members remain unsc, repeatedly placing a technical handle on an offer by India and other countries to appoint the head of the Pakistani-based militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed Masood Azhar.
The United Nations established Azhar as a global terrorist in 2019 after China lifted the handle on the proposal to write a black list under the security council sanctions committee, slapping emerging weapons, freezing assets and prohibition of travel to him, 10 years after India first moved him in the United Nations.
Jaisankar also requested “exclusive thinking” and urged member countries to be fought for new terminology and false priorities.
He stressed that registering and delisting must be done objectively, and not on political or religious consideration.
The international community must also recognize the linkages with organized crime, support, and strengthen FATF, and and provide greater funds to the UN doctor’s countermeasure.
“I call this council collectively build these principles.
Because it is also important to end the deadlock that prevents the adoption of a comprehensive convention on international terrorism, which India has been fought for so long,” he said.
By asserting that there are no exceptions or justification for every action of terrorism, regardless of the motivation behind the action, Jaishankar said, “We also realize that the threat of terrorism cannot and does not have to be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic.
However, regardless of progress made to tighten legal, security, financing and other framework for fighting terrorism, terrorists constantly find newer ways of motivating, resources and executing terror actions, he said.
“Unfortunately, there are also some Countries that try to damage or overthrow our collective determination to fight terrorism.
This cannot be passed, “he said.

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