The state of Zika Tally rose to 36 after 25 more, including 6 IAF positive tests for viruses in Kanpur – News2IN

The state of Zika Tally rose to 36 after 25 more, including 6 IAF positive tests for viruses in Kanpur

Written by news2in

Kanpur: Twenty-five more people, including six Air Force Personnel (IAF), 14 women and two health workers were positively tested for Zika at Kanpur on Wednesday, taking counting to 36 in Uttar Pradesh.
The Indian Air Force Station in Chokeri and side by side with a civil bag remains an epicenter of Zika in Kanpur.
“All 25 patients are stable and are isolated.
No need to panic because of Spurt in the case.
The special team has been conceded to monitor patients and collect samples of family members, relatives and other contacts.
One of the 36 infected ones has shifted to Kansiram Trauma Center in Rama Devi From home isolation, “said District Judge Vishak G Iyer on Wednesday after an emergency review met with health officials at the Ursala Hospital.
DM said the Ministry of Health had collected blood samples of more than 600 people on 30 and October 31 and sent them to Kgmu, Lucknow, and 25 samples had tested the positive virus.
The latest cases are reported from Pardevanpurwa, Pokharpur, Tiwaripur, Asharfabad, Shyamnagar and Area Adarsh ​​Nagar Chake.
A senior health department official said the district administration team and the health department scan the history of health workers to zero on their contacts.
Warnings have been sounded in the 30 km area around the outskirts of the Hangar IAF and the area affected by Chokeri and a large vector control drive has been launched.
“Bed isolation with mosquito nets has been arranged at Kanshi Ram Hospital, Ursala Hospital and Dufferin Hospital.
The team has been deployed for supervision, detection of sources and reductions, investigations and door-to-door campaigns,” DM said.
“I appealed to residents to remove stagnant water at home or in the neighborhood to remove the mosquito breeding site.
The collection of fogging and samples continued in full swing,” he said.
The first Zika case was reported from Pardewanpurwa in Chokeri on October 23 after the 57-year-old Indian Air Force officer was tested positive for the virus.
Then, he was treated at the Air Force hospital, where the doctors stated his condition became stable.
Then, two more IAF and one civilian staff were tested positive on October 30.
A day later, six others, all civilians, were tested positive for viruses.
Last week, the state government improved the steps to eliminate mosquito breeding places to remove the virus.
The agent has removed more than 120 mosquito breeding points in more than a dozen choker locations.
Data until October 31 showed that more than 15,000 households were surveyed to check the breeding points of larvae.
The central team also visited Kanpur and collected samples from affected areas.
The Chairperson of the Minister of Aditentalath has directed officials to conduct extensive door-to-door sanitisasi and fogging to stop the spread of Zika.

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