The state reported more than 10 thousand cases, but positive up to 13.7% – News2IN

The state reported more than 10 thousand cases, but positive up to 13.7%

Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: During the last seven days the Daily Covid case in the country continued to float above 10,000, an expert sign of finding entertaining but in no hurry to call the plateau not remember that Odisha was registered between the 10 high-cost countries in the country with 88,346 positive cases.
On Thursday, the state reported 10,368 new cases, including 1090 in the age group under 18, while the test level of the test fell from 16.7% on Wednesday to 13.7%.
Maharashtra sustains a list of countries with Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat.
Experts say it is too early to breathe easily and will take four more than five more days to reach its peak.

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