The Taliban is now the guard of the Budiyan Buddha site they destroy – News2IN

The Taliban is now the guard of the Budiyan Buddha site they destroy

The Taliban is now the guard of the Budiyan Buddha site they destroy
Written by news2in

Bamiyan, Afghanistan: Taliban Gunmen is now on guard in a gaping stone cavity that has ever accommodated two ancient Buddha statues – tarnishing dynamite by Islamists in their power.
Monuments in Bamiyan province has stood for 1,500 years but their destruction was ordered in 2001 by the regime – already famous after the television prohibit and impose ultra-strict rules governing the behavior of women – as opposed to the Muslim faith.
Hundreds of cadres from all over the country spent more than three weeks destroying rising statues carved to the side of the cliff, triggering global anger.
“The Buddhas were destroyed by the Taliban authorities in 2001,” reading bronze plaques set on rocks, while the white flag of the country’s new leader hid at the nearest gate.
Two young fighters roam just a few meters.
New Afghanistan Prime Minister Mohammad Hassan Akhund is “One of the architects of the destruction of the Buddha”, according to historian Ali A.
Olomi from Penn State Abington University.
Asked whether it was a good idea to blow up the statue – considered as one of the biggest crimes against World Heritage – Young Taliban Member Saifurrahman Mohammadi did not hide his shame.
“Well …
I can’t comment on,” said Mohammadi, recently appointed to the Office of Bamiyan Province Culture Affairs.
“I’m still very young,” he told AFP.
“If they do, the Islamic Emirate certainly have their reasons.” But what is certain is that now we are committed to protecting our country’s historical heritage.
Is our responsibility.
“Mohammadi said he had recently spoken with UNESCO officials who fled abroad after the Taliban takeover to ask them back to Afghanistan and guarantee their safety.
Local officials and former UNESCO employees were previously based there to AFP that around a thousand artifacts were about Invaluable after being stored in nearby warehouses was stolen or destroyed after the Taliban takeover.
“I confirmed that the looting took place, but before our arrival,” said Mohammadi, blaming the theft on the emptiness left by the old authorities after they escaped.
“We are Being investigated and we tried to get it back, “he added.
The Bamiyan Valley is located in the heart of the Hindu Kush Mountain mountains and marks the reach of the western Buddhism from his birthplace in Indian continental children.
Persian, Turkey, China and Greece’s influence also intersect there for century century and leave The environment built is extraordinary, most of which still have not been explored.
The statues lasted a series of 17th century by Emperor Mughal Aurangzeb, and then the people of Persian King Nader Shah, who damaged them with Cannon Fire.
Their trail remained lying around the Bamiyan site under the canvas tents, torn the wind of the valley.
World Heritage Specialist is very doubtful, they will be rebuilt.
But the new Taliban regime insisted that he wanted to protect the country’s archaeological heritage, although global shocks were triggered by Buddhist images that disappeared in dust clouds.
With the country’s economy overthrow “they realize that work to protect heritage provides regular income,” said Philippe Marquis, director of the French archaeological delegation in Afghanistan.
Workers work in Bamiyan to put the last touch in the center of the culture and museum as part of a project supported by UNESCO $ 20 million which will be inaugurated with a big fanfare this month.
“Now we have to see how it will succeed,” said Philippe Delanghe, head of the cultural program at the Kabul UNESCO office, is currently based in France.
“Administration today wants us to return to work together.
It seems quite safe,” he added.

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