The Taliban put ‘conditions’ to limit protests in Afghanistan – News2IN

The Taliban put ‘conditions’ to limit protests in Afghanistan

The Taliban put 'conditions' to limit protests in Afghanistan
Written by news2in

KABUL: Taliban on Wednesday introduced several ‘conditions’ to limit protests in Afghanistan after forming a new government in the country.
These conditions include taking permission from the Ministry of Justice during the aim, slogan, place, time and all ‘other’ details’ of protests need to be distributed with government authorities, as reported by Pajhwok News.
Details of protests need to be distributed with security institutions 24 hours before protest.
Developments come in the midst of increasing protests against the Taliban in the country.
Previously on Wednesday, the residents of Faizabad took to the streets to support resistance in their struggle against the Taliban.
On September 7, a group of women also held protests in the Balkh Province calling for the preserved achievement of the last 20 years and demanding representatives of women in the future government in Afghanistan.
Similar protests were held in Kabul Province, Parwan and Badakhshan.
These protests were detained early by Afghan women to demand women’s rights and representatives in the caregiver government formed by the Taliban in a torn war.
When the Taliban controlled Afghanistan once again after 20 years, experts believed that Afghan women most likely faced uncertain future under the regime of terrorist groups.
Taliban’s surprise from the war-hit by the war came after international forces withdrew from Afghanistan, with the United States officially restarted his departure in May and is now on the verge of ending his military mission.
Sajjan Gohel, a security and terrorism analyst, has notified that women are afraid of their minds (Taliban), according to four nine, leading women’s magazines in the West.
“From the Afghan women I have spoken, it’s very traumatic.
You’re looking at all generations who only read about the Taliban in books.
Now, they have to coexist with what is effectively a misginist cult” Dr.
Gohel added.
He also said that he believed we would look back “to a certain extent of what we saw in the 1990s”.

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