The Taliban said they had entered the capital of the Holdout Afghanistan region – News2IN

The Taliban said they had entered the capital of the Holdout Afghanistan region

The Taliban said they had entered the capital of the Holdout Afghanistan region
Written by news2in

Taliban said on Sunday their troops had been against their way to the provincial capital of Panjshir, the valley where opposition forces had survived since the fall of Kabul three weeks ago.
Police Headquarters and the Central District of Rukhah, adjacent to the provincial capital of Bazarak, has fallen, and opposition forces have suffered many victims, with a large number of prisoners and vehicles captured, weapons and ammunition, Taliban spokesman Bilal Karimi said on Twitter.
The fight is underway in Bazarak, he said.
It is impossible to confirm the report, which echoed on other Taliban twitter accounts.
Previously on Sunday Fahim Dashti, spokesman for the Afghan National Resistance Department (NRFA), who classified the opposition power, said the “propaganda machine” Taliban tried to spread a disturbing message.
“Resistance forces are ready to continue their defenses to all forms of aggression,” he said.
On Saturday, the Emergency Italian Help Group said the Taliban fighters had reached the Trauma Hospital operating in the Pandiness District, in Panjshir Valley.
Taliban officials said earlier their troops had gained full control over Panjshir but the battle had continued for days, with each party said it had caused a large number of victims.
Ahmad Massoud, the NRFA leader, has promised to continue to reject offensive and call for international support.
Panjshir, a rough mountain valley in northern Kabul was still scattered with the broken soviet tank debris, has proven to be very difficult to overcome in the past.
Under Massoud’s final father, Ahmad Shah Massoud, refused the attacking Soviet army and the previous Taliban government.
On Sunday, Massoud said hundreds of Taliban fighters had surrendered to the NRFA force, which included the remnants of Afghan regular army and special forces units and local militia fighters.
It was impossible to confirm it independently.
The Battle of Panjshir has been the most prominent example of resistance to the Taliban, whose troops swept Kabul on August 15 when the Western-supported government collapsed and President Ashraf Ghani escaped from the country.
But small individual protests for women’s rights or defend the tricolor flag of green, red and black Afghanistan has also been held in various cities.
Massoud initially called for a settlement negotiated with the Taliban and several conversation efforts were held but they finally broke down, with every party blaming the other because of their failure.

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