The Taliban took the district in NE Afghanistan from the escape forces – News2IN

The Taliban took the district in NE Afghanistan from the escape forces

The Taliban took the district in NE Afghanistan from the escape forces
Written by news2in

KABUL: March Taliban through North Afghanistan gained a momentum overnight with the arrest of several districts from escaping from Afghan forces, several hundred of them fled across the border to Tajikistan, said officials said.
More than 300 Afghan military personnel crossed from the Province of Badakhshan Afghanistan as Taliban fighters advanced towards the border, the Tajikistan State Committee said in a statement.
Afghan troops cross around 6:30 a.m.
local time Saturday “Guided by the principles of humanism and good environment,” Tajik authorities allowed the withdrawal of Afghan’s national defense and security to cross to Tajikistan, said the statement.
Since mid-April, when US President Joe Biden announces the end of the “war forever, the Afghan Taliban has made steps throughout the country.
But their most significant increase has been in the northern part of the country, the traditional fortress of US Allied War Commanders who helped defeat them in the year 2001.
The Taliban now controls about one third of all 421 district and district centers in Afghanistan.
The profits in the Northeast Badakhshan Province in the past few days mostly came to the rebel movement without fighting, said Mohib-Ul Rahman, a member of the provincial council.
He blamed the success of Taliban About the moral bad forces that are mostly lost and without resupplies.
“Unfortunately, the majority of the district was handed over to the Taliban without the fight,” said Rahman.
In the last three days, 10 districts fell to the Taliban, eight without fighting, he said.
Hundreds of Afghan soldiers, he said Police and intelligence forces Submit their military posts and escape to the capital of Badakhshan Faizabad Province, Rahman said.
Even as a security meeting was held on the early Sunday to plan a perimeter strengthening around the capital, several senior provincial officials left Faizabad for the Capital Kabul, he said.
At the end of June the Afghan government raised a militia with a reputation of brutal violence to support the surrounded Afghan forces but Rahman said many militias in Badakhshan District only struggled half-heartedly.
The area under the control of the Taliban in the north is increasingly strategic, running along the Afghan border with Central Asian countries.
Last month the religious movement took control of the Imam Sahib, a city in Kunduz Province opposite Uzbekistan and gained control of the main trade route.
Inroads in Badakhshan is very important because the early province of former President Burhanuddin Rabbani, who was killed by a suicide bomber in 2011.
His son, Salahuddin Rabbani, is part of the current high council for national reconciliation.
The former president who was killed was also leading Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan, who was the famous Anti-Taliban Fighter Party Ahmad Shah Massoud, killed by a suicide bomber two days before the 9/11 attacks in America.
The Interior Ministry issued a Saturday statement that said that the defeat was temporary even though it was not clear how they would regain control.
Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid confirmed the fall of the district and said most without fighting.
The Taliban in the previous submission had shown a video of the Afghan army took transportation money and returned to their homes.

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