The Telangana High Court refused to stop the probe – News2IN

The Telangana High Court refused to stop the probe

Hyderabad: The Telangana High Court on Thursday refused to interfere in the Sustainable Sirpurkar Justice Commission, appointed by the Supreme Court to ask about the alleged encounter of four murder accused in cases of rape and murder, which stated that it had “the power of regulating the procedure”.
Chief Judge Chairman Chandra Sharma and Justice A Rajasheker Reddy said this while rejecting the request submitted by two policemen, who challenged the procedure adopted by the Commission to check it under the question law.
The bench, who heard and ordered a problem two days ago, said a general assessment on both applications.
DSP Surender Vasam and Circle Inspector Konda Narasimha Reddy, who was summoned by the Commission as His Witnesses, approached the High Court, saying that they were armed by the decision of the Commission who rejected their requests to treat them as independent witnesses.
They also want to be checked at the end of the commission investigation to enable them to take advantage of legal protection available to them.
They argue that they have a problem with the procedure adopted by a commission that crosses first and recording their statement later.
Writing a verdict for benches, Chairman of Judge Sharma said: “The Commission is certainly empowered to frame its rules and procedures and is the wisdom of the Commission to ask the party to reveal evidence first.
Of course it is not open to two police officers to declare that they must be examined as Independent witnesses or that they must be examined in the end after examining all witnesses ended.
Orders delivered by the Commission, because the Commission has the power to regulate the procedure that is subject to the rules framed based on the request law Commission, does not guarantee any interference “.
Referring to the assessment in the case of Kiran Bedi, relied on by two policemen, the bench said that in the case, the Supreme Court did not think it was wise to set a rigid procedure to continue.
Every witness or participant before the Commission must place the fact before the commission and it must be in one or other order.
“The investigation commission must look at the facts that are placed by various parties and public members etc., and it must only ensure the facts in this problem and forward their reports containing the findings of the commission.
Only after that the government must make a decision and decide the steps or what action should be taken, if at all, “said the bench.

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