The UN special envoy calls for focus on food on the next climate talk – News2IN

The UN special envoy calls for focus on food on the next climate talk

The UN special envoy calls for focus on food on the next climate talk
Written by news2in

Bathinda: The special envoy for the UN food system summit, Agnes Kalibata, has called for the UN climate change conference to significantly increase attention to food and agriculture by ensuring COP27 in 2022 has a specific focus on the food system.
Speaking during the Minister of COP26 dialogue about adaptation, Kalibata said: “There is no way to the 1.5 degree target without placing food in front and the police conversation center.
We must talk about food to overcome the climate crisis and ensure the food system adapts with climate change and is sufficient Tough to continue nutritious people and advance prosperity and a fair livelihood.
“The intersection between the climate and the food is very profound – if we do not overcome climate emissions driven by the food system, we cannot make a 1.5 C target; And if not, the food system will suffer most ” Related to agriculture.
Although there are still opportunities for progress in this regard, COP27 focuses on the food system will connect the dots for the world.
“Without an urgent action on the climate of change, an additional 100 million people in Africa can be withdrawn into extreme poverty in eight Next season – more than 10 million people every year to 2030, “said Kalibata.” Timely attention to the food system will produce real life solutions to produce.
Avoid further damage in the environment.
“Quoting the experience of its duties as a special envoy of the United Nations Secretary General for the UN food system summit, Kalibata noted that the improvement of the food system to the cop27 central topic will provide an opportunity to have some difficult conversations in the world..
Food system contributions to climate change, and the impact of increasing The temperature on the food system, is a common thread through the peak, which takes place in September, with experts compiling evidence and solutions under the path of special actions for production..
Research shows that transforming the food system can release $ 12 trillion in the world costs hidden food costs .
Redirecting some of these funds could prevent further damage to the environment and to the health of people, and it could help rally more promises for adaptation funding as called for by the member states and leaders during the COP is being held in Glasgow.
He urged the country -Negar.
A rich in their RAM in the low and medium-sized income economy in building and funding adaptation strategies.
This call was in line with the previous call when the meeting began, “At least half of the climate financing must be targeted for adaptation,” said Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Amina Mohammed.
As part of the 2015 Paris Agreement, world leaders are committed together to together.
Collect $ 100 billion per year in 2020 to support developing countries in adapting to climate change.
The pledge has not been reached, with the highest number of up $ 79.6 billion in 2019, but with projections show that the target can be achieved in three years with more.
Commitment from key stakeholders.
The police hosted by Africa focused on food in 2022 was the spotlight needed for public and business and of course for negotiators.

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