The United Nations said the Taliban had to stop targeting protesters, journalists – News2IN

The United Nations said the Taliban had to stop targeting protesters, journalists

The United Nations said the Taliban had to stop targeting protesters, journalists
Written by news2in

Geneva: United Nations on Friday condemned Taliban’s response to increasingly louder against peaceful protests, including using life ammunition that killed several people.
Journalists said were also targeted to try to “only with their work” after reporters were arrested and beaten by including demonstrations.
“We called the Taliban to immediately stop the use of strength in the direction, and arbitrary detention, those who used their rights to the assembly of peace and journalists who included protests,” said Ravina Shamdasani, spokesman for the United Nations Human Rights.
His office said armed fighters had used direct ammunition and the whip to disperse the crowd, killing at least four people since mid-August.
The Islamist Hardliners who swept power on August 15 have promised more moderate regulations than in the period of 1996-2001 which are famous for oppressive.
But they have shown clear signs that they will not tolerate the opposition.
Earlier this week the Armed Taliban terrorist spread hundreds of protesters in cities in Afghanistan, including in Herat, where two people were shot dead.
Shamdasani said the right office had also received a credible report that a man and a boy was shot dead when the Armed Taliban tried to dissolve the crowd during the national flag enlargement ceremony held last month.
“There is an obligation to ensure that every use of strength in responding to protests is the last effort, very necessary and proportional,” he said.
“Firearms should not be used except in response to the threat of death that will occur soon or serious injury.” He also referred to the report that the Taliban defeated and held back protesters in Kabul this week, including several women and up to 15 journalists.
On Wednesday, at least five journalists were arrested and two were severely beaten for several hours.
“A reporters were reported to have been told, when he was kicked in the head that you were lucky, you have not been beheaded,” he said.
“(There) a lot of journalist intimidation that tries only to do their work,” he said.
The Taliban moved to inhaled further civil riots at the end of Wednesday, saying protests would need a previous authorization from the Ministry of Justice.
The next day, they ordered a telecommunications company to block the internet on mobile services in several Kabul areas, Shamdasani said.

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