The US asks the United Nations to meet in North Korean missiles who can contact us – News2IN

The US asks the United Nations to meet in North Korean missiles who can contact us

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The United Nations: The United States calls on the United Nations Security Council to meet Thursday on the last North Korean exam on medium-distance ballistic missiles that are able to reach Guam, the most significant launch in the years that can target America region.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres condemned the launch of Sunday, said it solved the northern moratorium announced at such launch and clearly violating the security council resolution, said Deputy Vice Time Farhan Haq.
The head of the United Nations urged North Korea “to stop taking further counter-productive actions,” expressing “great worries” that Pyongyang again “ignores every consideration for international flights or maritime safety,” Haq said Wednesday.
Guterres also called on all parties to find a peaceful diplomatic solution.
The Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed Tuesday night that the US mission for the consultation of the United Nations Council was requested was held on Thursday.
After the launch of Sunday, White House officials said they saw the latest missile tests as part of a series of provokes that increased over the past few months by North Korea which was increasing and intended to win the help of sanctions.
Hwasong-12 Missile launched the week is the most powerful North Korean missile has been tested since 2017.
That’s when the country launched Hwasong-12 and remote missiles in running a Torrid gun fire to get the ability to launch a nuclear attack on the US military base in Northeast Asia and Pacific and even American homeland.
In recent months, North Korea has launched various weapons systems and threatens to lift a four-year moratorium on more serious weapons tests such as nuclear explosions and ICBM launches.
The launch of the week was the seventh missile round in the north in January only, and other weapons tested recently included a hypersonic missile development and missile launched submarines.
The Security Council initially imposed sanctions in North Korea after the first nuclear test explosion in 2006 and made them harder in responding to further nuclear tests and increasingly sophisticated nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
China and Russia, which limit North Korea, circulating the draft resolution in November which emphasizes northern economic difficulties.
They called for lifting sanctions which included the prohibition of seafood and textile export, close import petroleum products, and a ban on its citizens worked abroad and sent home their income.
The Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, whose country took over the Security Council Presidency Wednesday for February, told reporters on Tuesday that the draft remained before the Board considers that “it’s not on time.” Biden Administration again asked North Korea to return to a long-stop talks on nuclear programs and missiles after the latest launch, but explained that it was not currently thinking it would be constructive to hold leaders’ leaders such as Donald Trump with North Korean leader Kim Jong UN.
Nebenzia told reporters that Russia had “repeatedly and continuously called for the commencement of negotiations between the main parties about North Korea’s nuclear problems.
Sung Kim, US special representatives for North Korea, discussed the launch of Pyongyang’s latest ballistic missiles with the Director General of the Japanese Foreign Ministry for Asian and Osean affairs, Funakoshi Takehiro, and South Korean nuclear envoy, Noh Kyu-duk during Friday and Saturday, a spokesman for the NED Department Price said Tuesday.
Kim condemned North Missile launched as a violation of the security council resolution “and was unstable against the region,” and reaffirmed the US commitment to the complete denuclirization of the Korean Peninsula and South Korean and Japanese defense, said.
He also underlined the sustainable readiness of “United States’ to be involved in serious and sustainable diplomacy” with North Korea “to make real progress” towards denuclirasi, said price.
The last meeting of the Security Council in North Korea was a closed discussion of January 10 at the North’s launch of what Pyongyang marked as a hypersonic missile five days earlier.
There was no action by the council of 15 members, but the United States and five allies urged North Korea to leave the prohibited nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
They also asked the Security Council to oppose Pyongyang’s actions “sustainable, destabilized and violated the law,” including the missile launch.

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