The US began a counterattack even though thousands were still stranded in Afghanistan – News2IN
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The US began a counterattack even though thousands were still stranded in Afghanistan

The US began a counterattack even though thousands were still stranded in Afghanistan
Written by news2in

Washington: The United States was not wasted time to start retaliation for the massacre at Kabul airport which killed 13 American military personnel and more than 150 Afghans.
The drone attack ordered by President Joe Biden killed Operative Isis-K and colleagues in Nangahar Province in Afghanistan on Friday, US officials said.
The strike came at a time hundreds of Americans and Afghan allies remained stranded in a grateful country, raised the specter of the situation of the hostage.
Washington was also not affected by the intelligence projections that there might be more suicide bombings at Kabul Airport, causing US officials to advice on citizens and allies to avoid coming to the airport.
“US military forces conducted an excessive counterterrorism operation today against ISIS-K planners,” Urban Bill captain, spokesman for the US Central Command, said in a statement on Friday, added, “the initial indication was that we killed the target.
We know no There are civilian casualties.
“It is not clear whether what is called a planner specifically plays a role in organizing or carrying out airport attacks.
US defense officials then told CNN that the planner was “associated with a potential attack in the future at the airport,” and his house was watched until his wife and children left before the drone strike was ordered.
Drone attacks came even when we and NATO allies seemed to have drawn the plug in the formal airlift kabul because of the combination of suicide bomb threats, the US and its allies suggested its citizens not to come to the airport, and the Taliban cut access.
The Afghan crisis directly updated between the US and its allies seemed to grow deeper from Washington who revoked withdrawals, and the Biden government continued to get roasting at home, including the low ranking of US military personnel boiling with anger over their loss of loss of colleagues.
A marine officer who posted a video on social media that summoned senior leaders to failure in Afghanistan was released from the command, and the critics of the President of the President continued to make cases for impeachment, resignation, and poor decision making, quoting poor decision making.
Also read US forces sought in Afghanistan, a bomber in the crowd moved inwashington: Buicide bomber waited until the last possible moment, said US officials.
The crowd who tried to get into Hamid Karzai International Airport had gathered at Abbey Gate, a main entrance maid by Marines and other service members.
The troops knew that they could be targeted at a video post to Viral, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, 17-year-old veteran in Marines, inciting US military leadership to empty the Bagram military base before evacuating everyone, “People were annoyed because of senior leaders They disappointed them and none of them raised their hands and received accountability or said, ‘We messed up this’.
“announced that Scheller was released from his duty because” lose trust and confidence.
In his ability to order, “A marine spokesman said to The media that there is a forum where marine leaders can handle their disagreement with the command chain, but it is not social media.
“This is clearly an emotional time for many marines., And we encourage anyone who struggles now to find counseling or talk to fellow Marines , “said the spokesman.
At the back end of the AirLift process, thousands of Evakakarees Afhgan had to spend 10-12 hours in a plane that entered P Bangkit at Tarmac of Washington Dulles Airport because US immigration officials were struggling to improve the filtering system that would ensure a safe part of the American society.
The US has weighed more than 100,000 people from Afghanistan in August, with many of them undergoing processing in third countries before they moved to America.
About 14000 Afghan refugees have been flown to Washington, and after the Immigration permit, they are placed at the military base and the pending warehouse integration to the US – prospects that have caused anxious in the right-wing of anti-immigration.
Former President Donald Trump, who initially said “civilians and other people who have been good in our country …
must be allowed to seek protection,” changed this week, asking, “How many terrorists will bring Joe Biden to America?”

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