The US budget reconciliation bill aims to reclaim green cards that are not used, Indians who return to benefit if they pass – News2IN

The US budget reconciliation bill aims to reclaim green cards that are not used, Indians who return to benefit if they pass

The US budget reconciliation bill aims to reclaim green cards that are not used, Indians who return to benefit if they pass
Written by news2in

Mumbai: on Cards, in the US Budget Reconciliation Bill (or the design of rebuilding the better law) released recently, is a proposal to reclaim a family-based green card number and work that is not used from 1992 to 2021.
If This proposal is through, it will help thousands of skilled indians in the back, who have an 84-year-old wait for a job-based green card, according to the study by the Cato Institute.
However, the final result of this proposal is still uncertain because it needs to pass both at home and the Senate.
Tweet recently by Dr.
Pranav Singh touched the chord among Indian Diaspora in the US.
He has returned to India and his sentiment relating to the US immigration system that damaged resonates with many.
He tweeted, “As a critical care doctor, if I decide to go in the middle of a pandemic to return to India, this is the number one reason.
Systemic racism that is entrenched in the US immigration system and India is the most marginalized legal immigrants because of the state hat segregation , “Tweet added that” my wife who is the only endocrine expert at Iowa Hospital we will lose its patient and its community..
It seems like no one cares, so we don’t.
“The last sentence was typed bravely expressing her sadness.
Toi also interacts with several others, who have returned home or have migrated to neighboring Canada, which provides a more smooth path for permanent residencies (similar to US green cards) and the path that is easier to go to citizenship.
According to the Nissanen Center, based in Washington, the think-tank policy, there is an estimated 4 million people waiting for a family-based green card and about one million stuck in a work-based green card backlog.
On an annual basis only set aside 1.40 lakh green cards for job-based applicants and there are 7% per stamp of the country.
Given the big waves of Indians in the US – the majority of them hold a VISA H-1B, this strict policy creates challenges and results in massive deposits for them in the Labor-Based category.
However, criticism that Indians will benefit their costs from other countries unfounded.
In his position, Jeremy L.
Neufeld, immigration policy analyst at the Nissanen Center showed, “…
No one is considered to change the hat per country.
So, as far as reclaiming, only 7% of the visa captured again can go to India.
Anything A person’s opinion about hats per country, they will remain in place and ensure diversity for recipients of green cards that are captured again.
“The Better Build Act also contains a proposal that will enable foreign nationals to pay additional fees to pass the green card queue.
Congressman King Krishnamoorthi, said, “I am happy that the legislation of build Better law released at the US House of Representatives will eventually provide assistance for more than 1.2 million high-skilled workers who are trapped in a work-based green card backlog,” His statement added, “Democrats have heard of the liver solutions of this worker from the queue of long green cards and children forced to deport themselves, and now take action …” In addition, the design of rebuilding the immigration and nationality of the Cut-Off date ACT Registry to allow individuals entering the US before January 1, 2010 to apply for a green card.
However, given that the Senate parliamentarians did not agree with the previous immigration proposal entered in the expenditure bill, the Indian diaspora had not cheered and had adopted the waiting and watching approach.

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