The US Congress Committee received thousands of documents on January 6 Probe – News2IN

The US Congress Committee received thousands of documents on January 6 Probe

The US Congress Committee received thousands of documents on January 6 Probe
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The Congress Committee investigated the deadly January 6 attacks against US Capitol received thousands of documents before the deadline for Thursday for US companies and government institutions to hand over them, said a committee spokesman.
The national archive, which handles the president’s record, has also started a pre-release review of documents related to former President of the Republic of Donald Trump’s White House which is part of the request of the Committee’s document.
The Democrat Led by the Democrat Council voter committee announced broad demand for material associated with the Capitol attack – including communication records from the White House Trump – with the deadline for submitting September 9 “with a few hours to go before the deadline today, select the committee Receive thousands of pages of documents in response to our first request set and our investigation team actively engaged to maintain the flow of information, “spokesman said in a statement sent via email.
The panel requests a white building record held by national and administrative records, as well as material from the Department of Defense, the security of the country, interior and justice, and the FBI, the center of national counterrorism, director of national intelligence.
The panel also asked large social media companies including Facebook Inc., Google Inc.
and Alphabet Inc.
to turn on records related to the attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters.
Details about what was reversed was not available on Thursday.
A source who is familiar with the problem says material comes from companies and government entities.
Representative of the Republic of Kevin McCarthy, a minority leader of the house, a threatened company that meets the demand of the Committee, said the Republican Party “will not forget.” Submitting information violating federal law, McCarthy said, although it is not clear what legal he meant.
The request of the Committee includes records related to violence and the days before it, including the wrong dissemination of information and efforts to stop the certification of President Joe Biden’s election.
Demands also go to online forums and social media sites 4chan, 8kun, Gab, Parler, Reddit and Snapchat.
Trump worsened the request of documents from his government and said the material was protected by executive privileges, the legal principle that allowed the White House to refuse to comply with demands for records such as the Congress Court or Request for Freedom Law.
If the Biden White building said the material was protected by executive privileges, it would make it more difficult for the committee to investigate Trump.
Biden, however, is expected to sympathize at the view of the panel that the material must be produced.
“The Select Committee also realizes that the national archive has carried out a process required by the law to review the President’s record,” said a committee spokesman in the statement.
The mass of Trump supporters invaded the Capitol as Congress was a meeting to certify Biden’s election victory, delay the process for several hours when Vice President Mike Pence, Congressman, staff and journalists escaped from riwear.
Nearly 600 people had been arrested in connection with the attack.
It was the worst violence in the US government seat since the British invasion during the 1812 war.
Four people died on January 6, one shot of death by the police and the other of the natural causes.
A police officer officer attacked while protecting the building dead the next day.
More than 100 police officers were injured.
Four police officers who participated in the Capitol defense then took their own lives.

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