The US has ‘surrendered’ to the Taliban, said Nikki Haley – News2IN

The US has ‘surrendered’ to the Taliban, said Nikki Haley

The US has 'surrendered' to the Taliban, said Nikki Haley
Written by news2in

Washington: The United States has “truly gave up” to the Taliban and left his allies in Afghanistan, Indian-American politicians and former US envoys to the United Nations Nikki Haley Sunday.
“They did not negotiate with the Taliban.
They fully surrendered to the Taliban.
They gave up Bagram Air Force Base, which is the main center of NATO.
They submitted equipment and weapons worth $ 85 billion that we must remove from there,” Haley told CBS News in a CBS Interview.
He slammed the policy of withdrawal of Biden Administration from Afghanistan.
“They have submitted Americans and really interesting our troops before they attract Americans.
They have left our Afghan allies who make people like my husband safe when they are abroad mobilizing.
So, no, no.
It’s a shameful and embarrassing submission and failure, “he said.
Haley, which is seen as a presidential candidate of 2024, has become a vocal criticism of Afghanistan policy from the Biden government.
“This is an extraordinary scenario, where truly Taliban.
Our Americans are held hostage.
It’s a scary time.
And we have to make sure that We work with our allies who really won’t trust us at this point and think we have lost your mind.
We must look for ways to remove our Americans and remove our allies, “he said.
Haley said that under four years Trump, Afghanistan was safe.
“We ensure that we keep terrorism and that we come from the position of strength.
What happens in seven months Biden, we have fully surrender and we have embarrassed ourselves in the eyes of the world.
The problem is, there are times when you have to negotiate with Devil, but you negotiate with the devil from the point of strength, you don’t do it from the point of weakness, “he said.” We really don’t have the current leverage with the Taliban.
What we will see It is, they will buy time and act like they will be good until August 31, and then all the women, all the girls, everything will return until then, “he said.
President Biden previously said the United States is committed to evacuating every American even if it means expanding the deadline for total withdrawals from Afghanistan above 31.
Expressing concerns to Afghanistan, said Haley, “you will have sex slaves.
You will have a child’s marriage.
Will have children, namely – girls who are no longer allowed at school.
You will have our American people.
There will be in danger.
And all our Afghan allies will be killed if we don’t do anything.
“” It’s serious.
Administration Biden needs to return and extend the August deadline and ensure that the Taliban know they have to let people enter the airport.
We have to come out.
We have to stay loyal to the Afghan allies that we make promises.
We have to make sure we do this in a very strong way In the future, “Haley said.

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