The US justice department said Google deposition must be directly – News2IN

The US justice department said Google deposition must be directly

The US justice department said Google deposition must be directly
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Lawyers for the US Department of Justice said on Tuesday that he wanted a planned deposition for August in the antitrust lawsuit against Google Alphabet to be obtained than on zoom.
The government hopes to question or overthrow, three people in August, one Google employee and two people who left Google, one in 2011 and 2013.
The government sued Google last year, allaps accusing the antitrust law in finding limp rivals.
The lawsuit has been combined for the purpose of discovery with a wider antitrust lawsuit brought by 38 states and territories.
We want to tell the court that we hope to do all or most of these depositions directly, said Kenneth Dinter Department of Justice, noting that the first three people want to be berping to be in California.
This is our understanding that California opens back.
Kenneth Dintzer also said at a status conference, which was being held remotely, that he hoped to also return to the regular court hearings.
Judge Amit Mehta The US District Court for Columbia Regency also discussed whether the Department of Justice must be allowed to see the executive performance reviews considered by the government as a witness.
Mehta said that after reading the reviews that they had the potential to be useful but urged the government to request the only performance reviews they want.
He then asked both parties to approve the protocol to keep something personal in it.

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