The US launched several air strikes to support Afghan forces – News2IN

The US launched several air strikes to support Afghan forces

The US launched several air strikes to support Afghan forces
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The US military launched several air strikes this week to support the Afghan government forces fighting Taliban guerrillas, including in Kandahar Province which were strategically important, Thursday officials said.
The strike showed US intention to continue to support Afghan troops with fighter aircraft based abroad, at least to the conclusion scheduled for US military withdrawals on August 31.
The Biden government has not said whether it will continue support after the withdrawal is complete.
The US has various combat aircraft based in the Middle East within Afghanistan, including fighter planes on aircraft carriers in the region and fighters and bombers in the Persian Gulf region.
Asked by a reporter about the news report on FA-18 naval air strikes in the Kandahar area, the Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby did not confirm specifically, including the type of aircraft or location, but said, “In the last few days we have acted,” through an attack air, to support the Andsf, “using an acronym for Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.” But I will not enter the technical details of the strike.
“This is the first US air strike in Afghanistan since General Scott Miller, who has become the US Main Commander In the country, releasing his commands and left the country last week.
The authority to launch an air strike against the Taliban since it was in the hands of General Frank McKenzie, the US Central Command Commander, who oversaw the involvement of the US military in the larger Middle East.
Following Kirby’s comments , other defense officials said that on Wednesday and Thursday, America was ser Tie do a total of more than four air strikes to support Afghan forces.
At least two strikes are to destroy military equipment, including pieces of artillery and vehicles, that the Taliban has taken Afghan troops, the official said.
Afghans asked for the strike, as well as those who target the position of the Taliban battle, including at least one strike in the southern province of Kandahar.
US officials have urged Afghanistan to take advantage of their own fighter plants, as well as their trained US ground forces.
In recent months Afghan troops have simplified a large number of regions for the Taliban, raising questions about their ability to survive after the US completes its withdrawal.
At the Pentagon press conference on Wednesday, General Mark Milley, chairman of the joint stock chief, said Afghanistan’s future was in the hands of Afghans, urging them to assert their desires on the battlefield.
“Afghan security forces have the capacity to fight and retain their country, and we will continue to support Afghan security forces where needed in accordance with the guidance of the president and defense secretary,” Milley said.
Milley said the Taliban now controls about half of 419 district centers in Afghanistan, and while they have not arrested 34 provincial capitals in the country, they emphasize about half of them.
When the Taliban won more areas, Afghan security forces consolidated their position to protect the main population centers, including Kabul, he said.
“A large number of regions have been seized for six, eight, 10 months by the Taliban, so momentum seems – strategic momentum seems – sort of with the Taliban,” Milley said.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that after August 31, which was the final date set by President Joe Biden to complete the military withdrawal, the US main military focus would face threats against extremist homeland in Afghanistan.
He added that the administration would provide financial support and others to Afghan defense forces, even without combat troops or attacked aircraft there.
“Don’t go wrong that we are still committed to helping Afghan security forces and the Afghan government advances, and we do what we say we will do in terms of placing pieces in place to ensure that we can provide that support,” said Austin.

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