The US only gives 7.5 million covid vaccine doses to India, need to do more: Krishnamoorthi – News2IN

The US only gives 7.5 million covid vaccine doses to India, need to do more: Krishnamoorthi

The US only gives 7.5 million covid vaccine doses to India, need to do more: Krishnamoorthi
Written by news2in

Washington: Regarding that the US has allocated only 7.5 million doses of Covid vaccine to India, a member of the Top Indian-American Congress has urged the Biden government to do more by expanding its global vaccine assistance program when the world faces the threat.
The coronavirus variant is a new vaccine.
King Krishnamodi’s congress statement came on the day when the White House said it was “excited” to continue the partnership with India in the war against Coronavirus and wanted to provide assistance, including vaccines.
Krishnamoorthi has secured support from 116 congress members for its sustainable efforts to expand the US global vaccine assistance program to India and other countries.
“The US so far only allocates 7.5 million doses of vaccines for India,” he said.
“I once again urged the President (Joe) Biden and my colleagues at Congress to gather and pass through Novid (the opportunity to cancel the variant to infect and destroy) acting into the law to end this pandemic because, during the outbreak in any country, throughout the world Facing the threat of a new vaccine resistant variant, “Krishnamoorthi said in a statement.
“When we approach Indian independence day, we need to declare our independence from Covid by creating a global partnership needed to produce and provide billions of vaccines needed to actually end this pandemic,” said the Democratic Party’s parliamentarian.
“Meeting these objectives will demand sustainable cooperation from democracy and the world’s leading producers of this saturation vaccine, including the United States and India,” Krishnamoorthi added.
Under the novid law, King Krisatrator Congressman, Senator Jeff Merkley and Elizabeth Warren was introduced with members of the Jayapal Pramila Congress, the US will establish a Pandemic Preparedness and Response Program (Panprep) to oversee the global health response to the pandemic.
Panprep will coordinate efforts between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United States International Development Agency, Disease Control Center and Disease Prevention, Food and Drug Administration, Biomedical Research and Development Authority, Health Resources and Service Administration, Department of Defense, Peace Corps, and Labor Department , The program will also be responsible for coordinating US government responses with international non-governmental organizations, development banks and civil society and foreign governments.
After the pandemic, this program will shift to protect against future pandemic by coordinating the global disease supervision network to identify and stop potential pandemic pathogens before they spread uncontrollably.
This bill will authorize $ 34 billion – $ 25 billion to increase production capacity and produce 8 billion doses of vaccines; $ 8.5 billion to cover the cost of shipping end-to-end vaccines that are sufficient to immunize 60 percent of the population in 92 countries Covax; and $ 500 million to build a global disease supervision network to protect against future pandemics.
Covax is an initiative throughout the world aimed at fair access to the Covid-19 vaccine which is directed by Gavi, the vaccine alliance, coalition for the innovation of epidemic preparedness, and the World Health Organization.
Covax provides vaccines into the developing world.
A total of 92 low and medium-sized income countries are eligible to receive Covid-19 vaccines through the Covax mechanism.

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