The US rushes more troops to calm the screwed evacuation in Kabul – News2IN

The US rushes more troops to calm the screwed evacuation in Kabul

The US rushes more troops to calm the screwed evacuation in Kabul
Written by news2in

Washington: The US military sent another battalion from around 1,000 troops to help protect Kabul airport, where American forces killed two gunmen during an increasingly chaotic evacuation effort when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby Praised reporters Monday to additional deployment aimed at carrying resemblance to evacuation.
Separately, one of America’s top military commanders had met face to face with senior Taliban leaders, urging the old enemy of the US to not disrupt the evacuation of massive airports because the United States withdrew from Afghanistan Gen.
Frank McKenzie, our heads of the Central Command, warned Taliban officials that the US military would respond forcefully to retain the airport if necessary, the official said.
The official spoke with anonymous requirements to discuss sensitive talks that have not been announced publicly.
Sunday McKenzie session in Doha, Qatar, a base for long-term talks among senior Taliban senior officials, America and others, underlined the rapid increase in Taliban power, opponents of America in 20 years of battle, after a week’s encouragement where the group captured Afghan control.

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