The US Senate passed the bill to ban all products from China Xinjiang – News2IN

The US Senate passed the bill to ban all products from China Xinjiang

The US Senate passed the bill to ban all products from China Xinjiang
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The US Senate passed the law on Wednesday to ban the import of products from the Xinjiang China region, the latest efforts in Washington to punish Beijing for what US officials said were sustainable genocide against Uyghurs and other Muslim groups.
Uyghur Forced Law Prevention Law will create “denied assumptions” assuming goods produced in Xinjiang made with forced labor and is therefore prohibited based on the 1930 tariff law, unless not certified by US authorities.
Enacted with round consent, bipartisan steps will shift the burden of evidence to importers.
The current rules prohibit goods if there is reasonable evidence of forced labor.
The bill also had to pass the House of Representatives before it could be sent to the White House for President Joe Biden to sign law.
Not immediately clear when it might happen.
Senator Republic Marco Rubio, who introduced the law with Democratic Jeff Merkley, called home to act quickly.
“We will not close the eye against the CCP’s crime against humanity, and we will not allow free feed companies to benefit from that terrible violation,” Rubio said in a statement.
“There are no American companies that have to benefit from this violation.
There are no American consumers who must accidentally buy products from labor slaves,” Merkley said.
Democratic maids and republics say they expect the steps to get strong support at home, note the house approves the same size almost in a round voice last year.
The bill will exceed the steps that have been taken to secure the US supply chain in the face of allegations of rights violations in China, including the prohibition on Xinjiang tomatoes, cotton and several solar products.
The Biden government has increased sanctions, and on Tuesday issued a business warning advisor they can violate US law if the operation is connected even indirectly to the supervision network in Xinjiang.
Rights rights groups, researchers, former residents and several Western parliamentarians and officials said the Xinjiang Authority had facilitated forced labor by holding around one million Uyghur and especially Muslim minorities since 2016.

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