The US urges Iran’s Relision to continue negotiations ‘immediately’ – News2IN

The US urges Iran’s Relision to continue negotiations ‘immediately’

The US urges Iran's Relision to continue negotiations 'immediately'
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The United States on Thursday urged Iran to return to talk quickly to revive the nuclear agreement after the new Ultrakonvative President, Ebrahim Relisi, said he would look for diplomatic sanctions.
“We urge Iran to immediately return to negotiations,” Ned Price’s Department of Foreign Affairs spokesman told reporters.
“If the president of the original Reisi in his determination to see the sanctions lifted, Well is exactly what is on the table in Vienna,” he said.
“We hope Iran will take the opportunity now to advance diplomatic solutions,” said the price.
He refers to months of indirect talks without results in the Austrian capital to revive the 2015 nuclear accord which was thrown by former President Donald Trump.
Price confirms that Biden administration, although there are concerns with Iran, seeing agreements as the key to securing “permanent limits and can be verified in Iran’s nuclear program.” Prices say that the proposal to end injection sanctions in return for compliance with the agreement will not last “without time limit.” For us, this is an urgent priority, knowing the problem playing, “Price said.” We hope Iran treats it with a level of urgency the same one.”

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