The vendor claimed two shots on him, the police said Cracker exploded him in his hurt – News2IN

The vendor claimed two shots on him, the police said Cracker exploded him in his hurt

Written by news2in

Ludhiana: Street vendors claimed he had a narrow escape after two men on a bicycle opened him shooting him during curfew around 11pm near Pippal Chowk, Daba, Thursday.
But the police said it was not a shooting incident, but someone blew up firecrackers that caused injury to the vendor.
Ramesh Kumar, 34, said, “I run the vend near Pippal Chowk.
After winding work, when I returned home in the area on my train, a man fired me from behind.
When I turned around, I saw a gun made in his hand.
He covered his face.
The bullet, however, was trapped in a gun and I suffered a flake injury.
I did not stop there and pedaled back home.
The man also escaped from there.
He came with a bicycle with his accomplice and driving a pillion.
His accomplices were also Masked.
“After that, Ramesh called Daba’s police.
The incident was captured on CCTV installed near the place.
The recording showed a man got off a bicycle, rushed to Ramesh who pedaled his cart, shooting him from behind and escaping.
Daba Sho Sub-Inspector Davinder Singh said, “I have seen CCTV’s footage.
It seems that the defendant exploded crackers using firearms, which caused a ramesh injury.
We got a medical examination carried out to confirm it.
We will continue further after investigating this problem.” Ramesh Said he had competition with his cousin who lived in his hometown at Uttar Pradesh.
“Because of hostility, I didn’t return to my place of origin.
My cousin must have planned the attack to kill me,” he added.
Complaints have been submitted.
On January 4, three masked men had opened fire on a student at Jodhewal for alleged university election competition.
No one was injured in the incident.
On January 5, an employee from Vende liquor has fired his colleague with a bore -32 licensed weapon in Division 2.

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