The VHP object for the policy of one child proposed up quotes bad consequences for Hindus – News2IN

The VHP object for the policy of one child proposed up quotes bad consequences for Hindus

The VHP object for the policy of one child proposed up quotes bad consequences for Hindus
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Affiliate Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Monday Registering a strong opposition to the draft proposal about the population control recently released by the Commission Law Uttar Pradesh which excludes people with more than two children from the benefits available under the government scheme.
VHP, in his letter to the State Law Commission, has not only cited the adverse effects of policies in children, it also includes community imbalances as ‘different communities respond differently to incentives or disincentives related to family planning and contraptions.’ Organizations suggest deletion of parts 5, 6 (2) and 7 to avoid population contractions and also unwanted social and economic consequences of one child’s policy.
International Worker President VHP Alok Kumar, which itself is an advocate, suggests Uttar Pradesh to avoid into situations where only one community takes advantage of policy while others continue to grow.
This is also concerned about the Hindu population that contracts while other communities develop.
“The total level of Hindu fertility in countries such as Assam and Kerala has declined well below the level of replacement 2.1 but Muslims are 3.16 in Assam and in Kerala, it is 2.33.
One of the communities has entered the other temporary contraction phase Still developing, “read the letter.
Also, about the norm of two children, Affiliate RSS believes that the only child is less socially accommodating.
“This is because they don’t learn to share with siblings and partly because they are too revealed and spoiled.
This has been referred to as a small emperor syndrome,” read the letter.
The President of the VHP International Workers also believes that this policy will disrupt the balance between the work ratio and a dependent population.
Quoting a Chinese example, he said that it applied a one-child policy in a relaxed way.
“In China, it is said that one child’s policy has never been applied to more than half of prospective parents and within three decades must be completely drawn,” Kumar said in the letter.
It came a day after Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adtyanath on Sunday launched the state population policy 2021-2030 on the occasion of the world population day.
He said that each community was treated in a population policy of 2021-2030.
Emphasize on the need to reduce infant mortality rates and assert the importance of population stabilization for the development of a free state, he said.
The Chairperson of the Uttar Pradesh Commission, Aditya Nath Mittal on Saturday said that under the population control bill proposed in the state, every partner who would follow the policy of two children would receive facilities from the government.
The State Law Commission has released the first draft of the ‘population (control, stabilization and welfare) proposed, 2021’ in the public domain and invited public advice on July 19.
“The State Law Commission has provided a proposal for population control and welfare.
We have proposed that the couple who follows the policy of two children will be given all the benefits of the government.
They will be able to take advantage of all government welfare schemes,” Mittal told Ani.

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