The wrong leopard caught in Saoli, released into the wild – News2IN

The wrong leopard caught in Saoli, released into the wild

The wrong leopard caught in Saoli, released into the wild
Written by news2in

Chandrapur: Residents of the Terror-hit villages in the Saoli range rejoice after leopards are trapped in a cage placed to capture cat problems that have killed one person and persecuted two people in the range of one week.
However, their excitement was short-lived because the investigation by the forester revealed that the incorrect leopard was trapped.
Half a dozen the village at the Saoli Range was shaken under Leopard Terror for two weeks now.
Cat problems are accustomed to disturbing human habitation and have attacked two women in their homes.
The first victim came from Vyahad Village, Gangubai Gedam, who was killed when he was sleeping on the front yard on July 13 night.
The next day, the wild animal had lured one vithal gedam from Samda Village when he worked on his farm.
Another woman Tulsabai Mashakthetri was persecuted when she was sleeping at her home in the village of Wagholi Buti on July 20.
Villages including Vyahad, Samda, Waghi Bite, Konapur, Kapi etc.
are under the terror of leopards, while the series of Saoli forests have placed six cages to trap cats.
“Intractated by a bait, the leopard walked to the cage stationed near the village of Samda one day on Monday night and was stuck.
As soon as the foresal learned about Caging, they moved the Beast to a safer location to be checked.
However, matching the camera trap image With leopard who is locked up prove that it is the wrong cat that has been trapped, “said DFO, Chandrapur, Sarita Jagtap to Ti.
Jagtap said the leopard had an overlapping area and the wrong trapped from the same area.
The animals were locked up and then released back to the wild in locations that were not disclosed after a medical examination.
DFO maintains the operation to capture leopard problems will continue.

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